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" I NEED TO GO." I hum, feeling the pressure of Paul's lips push against my chest again. Lowering himself on my naked body whilst I try to get out of the sheets of his bed that I've once again entangled myself into.

I try to forget the feeling that courses through my body at his touch; the heat of his hands and the ice cold of the rings that stack his fingers that forces goosebumps to the surface of my skin.

And instead, I try to remember the fact that I'm meant to be at my dad's house in approximately half an hour when it takes forty five to get there from Paul's flat.

I exhale as I sit up, knelt on my arms as I look up at him who spreads himself over my bare body and has the duvet pulled up against his back. His eyes look at me as he continues to travel downwards, and I shake my head.

" ten more minutes." he says, words reverberating against the skin of my lower stomach as I shake my head.

" paul-" I whine, noticing how he momentarily lifts back up.

Not hiding his smirk as his lips now move over mine as his face hovers over mine, " you know I always prefer it when you moan my name,"

I beat back a smile as he kisses me again " ten more minutes." he restates before positioning himself lower again.

" this isn't up for discussion, I need to go." I tell him and his head shakes.

" tell your dad you're busy, he'll understand." he says and I exhales.

" we've used that card one too many times, and all of them in this current situation." I say, beginning to move forward, arching my spine forward so my fingers can pick up his head from their roaming of my lower half.

His eyes look into mine, and I shake off the fact that they're beautiful and pretend they're just another pair of eyes. Plain old eyes.

" I'm going." I say, and begin to exit the bed. Hearing his further grunts and protests as I go towards the chair that sits by his drawers.

Where we've meticulously planned these meetings now that my clothes are now piled up neatly instead of scattered other his room in the last minute and lust filled that we began this relationship with. Throwing on my white top and then my oversized green sweater over the top of that.

Shimming on my jeans and slipping my shoes back on, walking over to the mirror as I swipe my fingers under my eyes where mascara has rubbed. Noticing Paul by the window of his flat, a lit cigarette in between his fingers, only looking away from me when he exhales the smoke from his mouth.

This is where a drunken hookup and two adults who aren't willing to be committed to anyone but themselves gets you.

It's been a couple months, I remember because the first month Paul made a joke about if I wanted an anniversary gift and we had our first ' this isn't what this is' argument/ conversation. And on our second month anniversary ( although we don't do those), I got a text from London by the man who was away on set saying ' happy two months of having sex, back in London in a week, free?'

We had sex within two hours of him landing at Heathrow.

And it's not a situation-ship or whatever everyone else calls it. We're merely two adults who jobs require relocation and want the pleasure of sex without all the strings that come along with it normally.

Take now for example, I've just gotten back from three weeks in Los Angeles and am on a twenty four hour stop here until I head back to London. And I texted Paul, because I haven't had sex in a month and although my hands get the job done. Sex with him is an entire different playing field.

So..instead of getting a car from the airport straight to my dad's house. I made an excuse of needing to pop back to my house and came here, to see him. And we made small talk for a few minutes before we started ripping one another's clothes off, it's not just sex. It's just not anything more than sex either.

I walk over, his hand outstretched already offering me the cigarette between his fingers as I give him a soft smile and take it from him.

Mentally reminding myself to spray myself with perfume although my dad will still be able to smell it like the blood hound he seemingly is.

I inhale and pull the cigarette from my lips, Paul looking at me with this small smirk as I tilt my head before blowing out the smoke.

" what is it?"

he straightens up slightly " what's what?"

I roll my eyes " stop staring at me like that and spit it out." I tell him and he laughs lowly.

His arms cross against his chest " you going to be back before you head back to London?" he asks and I shake my head.

Exhaling another puff of smoke that momentarily clouds my vision of Paul " probably not,"

He nods, looking slightly glum as I pass back the cigarette " what? you getting attached Mescal?" I ask, stepping closer as he makes a scoffing sound with his mouth and readies himself to take an inhale of the cigarette.

" full of yourself much Murphy?" I laugh and watch as he tenses his jaw slightly when he exhales the smoke out the window, and then I silently wish I had a free ten minutes to spend here. He's proven many a time he can get a lot done in such a short period.

I push hair behind my ear and look at him " right, best be going."

He nods, turning back from the window " call me if you're lonely tonight yeah?" he says as I turn back around.

Smirking slightly " or need another mind blowing orgasm to send me back to England with?"

I watch as he shrugs his shoulders, his lips further curving into the dimples of his cheeks that I've traced with the pads of my index fingers many times in these similar circumstances.

He sniffles " you said it not me." Taking yet another puff of the cigarette.

I pick up my bag, shaking my head as I reach the creaked doorway of his bedroom leading to the rest of the apartment that I don't spend a lot of time in.

" later mescal."

And after a few moments I hear a " see you back in London Murphy."

Ciara: we're not a situationship
Also Ciara: * perfectly describes them as a situationship*

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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KNEE DEEP, paul mescalWhere stories live. Discover now