016𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔

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a/n; hyuk is so pretty.....

tw; slight manipulation/guilt tripping?

For weeks, you've been carrying the guilt on your back. What if Minu's accident was your fault? Is Jay feeling the same way, too?

Even your cat, Mr. Whiskers could sense something was bothering you. He would always sleep with you closely every night and cuddle with you every morning, hoping it would comfort you.

You couldn't even face your friends. You've been ignoring their texts and calls for weeks. All you did was stay in bed all day until Wooin, Joker, and Hyuk showed up at your house with you looking like a mess.

They all made sure you eat, shower, and take care of yourself. They even dragged you out of your house every once in a while.

Since you were scared of encountering people you recognise, you tried your best to cover yourself up from head to toe.

"People are gonna find you crazy. Are you sure you wanna wear a hat, glasses, AND a mask?" Wooin asked you with a confused look on his face.

"Shut up before I put a magnet to your face." You said while rolling your eyes as you stood there with them.

You watched as Hyuk did some tricks on his bmx in front of a crowd. We love an attention seeking man.

"Can't go seconds without people watching him, can't he?" Wooin said.

You were about to say something until you heard two guys running, you turned to see Vinny and Dom. You quickly turned back around and hid your face with that cap of yours.

"Aren't those your loser friends?"

"Yeah, they are.. But where are they running to?.." You asked curiously while watching them run towards a location.

"Didn't Changbae 'accidentally' run over a kid from your team?" Hyuk asked while walking towards you guys.

You sighed and avoided their gaze as they were all looking at you.

"You were there, weren't you?" Wooin asked even though he knew all about it.

"I told you not to bring it up, right?"

"Relax, it's not like it's your fault. Or maybe it was?.." He smirked.

He obviously didn't mean what he said. He just wanted to get a reaction out of you. But you didn't give him what he wanted. Instead, you just sighed and pretended like you didn't hear him, which made him slightly annoyed.

"Whatever, I'm going home." You said as you walked away from them.


That night, you were reading on your couch when you heard your doorbell go off. You got up and opened the door to see Wooin.

"What do you want now?"

"I came here in peace to apologise."

You rolled your eyes and let him in anyway. You both got to your living room and sat on the couch.

"Did your team really disband?"

"Seems like it.. I saw it in the group chat."

"That's perfect. Isn't it time you come back to the Sabbath crew?"

You narrowed your eyes at him and sighed. There was no way you were going back. Not until you see whether or not hummingbird really disbanded with your own eyes.

"No, Wooin- I won't. I can't leave my friends like that."

Hearing what you said, Wooin got closer to you before cupping your cheeks gently with both hands.

You recognised that look of his. You've always tried to avoid this, but why did you always fail to avoid it?.. That sad look on his face just made you give in.

"Do it for me.. Please?.."

It took you a few seconds to gather up the courage to push him off you. You looked away and sighed while running your fingers through your hair.

Wooin looked at you with a disappointed look on your face. He was thinking about what else he could do to convince you.. But before he could think of anything, you spoke up.

"No, I'm sorry, Wooin. I won't do it.."

His eyebrows furrowed as he clenched his fist in frustration.

"Why do you even care about them that much? They're probably hating you right now for what you did!"

"That's not true.. Is it?" You asked.

"Tell me, for the past few weeks, did they call you? Did they bother finding you and checking up on you?"

You looked at him, slightly disappointed. He's right. No one checked on you.. Not even Shelly, thinking about it really broke your heart.


"Exactly, but what about us? We always check up on you. You've done so many things that made us mad, but we would never neglect you."

He then looked at you, changing his expression from his frustrated one, to a sudden sad frown on his face.

"Don't you think it's kind of unfair?.. I've always been there for you, and now you're choosing people who don't even care about you over me?.."

Hearing that made you sigh, you really thought about it deeply. You really didn't want to admit it, but he was right. You looked up at Wooin and finally made your decision.

"You're right, I think it's best I leave them alone and come back.."

And with that, Wooin was finally satisfied. He was closer to you and kissed your forehead while smiling at you.

"There's my smart girl, always making the right decisions. Anyway, you don't have to worry about anything else, okay? I've already spoken to the organiser. Remember the Sangho guy?"

"Huh, you planned all this beforehand?.."

"Well, I assumed you'd come back to us sooner or later. Don't worry about it."


The next morning, Wooin took you to meet Sangho for the first time to discuss the changing of teams.

Stepping into his office was something else for you. The moment his gaze met yours, it made a shiver run down your spine. Why does he look so intimidating?..

"[Y/N], right?.."

Before you could even answer, this annoying ass Wooin wrapped his arms around you before forcing you to sit in front of Sangho's desk.

"Yep, this is her. Isn't she adorable?"

Sangho just sighed and rolled his eyes at Wooin before looking at you.

"Are you sure she can do it?"

You looked up at the both of them, confused. What does he mean by that? Wooin saw the confused look on your face and grabbed your cheeks with one hand, squishing them.

"Of course she can. Just look at her! Would anyone really get suspicious with this face?"

All you could do in that situation was sit there and smile awkwardly, with that same confused look on your face while Wooin continued squishing it.

I hope you know what you're getting yourself into.

a/n; bruhh I finally updated, but at what cost? I had to rewrite this chap like 5 times cuz I couldn't make it make sense.. yk? I originally wanted wooin to blackmail u tbh☠️ but I didn't know how to write it in a good way...

anyway, sry if this chap isn't the best.😭 I don't know how to write allat tbh!

𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐌𝐞, 𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐇𝐢𝐦. || Sabbath crew , WindbreakerWhere stories live. Discover now