020𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔

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The past few days had been fun for you. You've been hanging out with Vinny more often. You're not sure why, but you weren't complaining.

He even talked about how some kid named Gilbert was humbled by him real quick after beating up his friends or something.

Tonight, he was over at your place while you both were placing Mario Kart on the Nintendo switch in your living room.

Right now, it was already your fifth time beating Vinny's ass in this game.

"Holyyyy, you're so bad, Vinny!"

Vinny rolled his eyes and suggested ANOTHER rematch.

"Whatever, at least I won 2 times.. C'mon, start again. There's no way I'm ending this on a loss." He sounded so determined to win this time when he said that.

You chuckled and started a new game. It was already the last lap and.. You won AGAIN. You winning against Vinny really boosted your ego.

"It's getting late, don't you have training with Mr. Nam tomorrow or something?" You said Vinny while looking at the clock that was hung on the wall.

"Yeah, you should come.. I mean, it doesn't matter if you're still with us or not.."

"Really?.. You want me to be there..?"

He looked at you for a moment before realising how breathtaking you looked whenever you made eye contact with him.

"Of course, I'm sure we'd all want you to be there." He said while sounding genuine.

"Okay, then I'll go!"

The next day, everyone was surprised to see you there.. But honesty, you kinda regret being there. You couldn't believe this is how you were gonna spend your weekend, but there's no turning back now.

The fact that those two freshmen were there too did not make things any better. You did cheer up a little when you saw Vinny walking towards you all with his bike and with someone behind him.

"Those idiots came again?" Vinny said, not pleased about the fact that they were there.

"Look who's talking. Who's that behind you?" Dom asked.

"Nice to meet you all, my name's Gilbert Hwa. I'm Vinny's right-hand man."

You took a closer look at Gilbert before you accidentally let out a giggle. This was the "troublemaker" Vinny was talking about?

It seemed like he noticed you laughing about him. He stared at you and then looked at the others.

"Your club members are fucking unique! You even have two hot girls with you!"

Vinny was already embarrassed for bringing Gilbert and he just had to make things worse by saying that.

Vinny smacked the back of his head which made you laughed even more before hiding behind Shelly to cover the fact that you're laughing over small things like this.

Not long after, the training was about to start. Mr. Nam made everyone, but you carry a bag. Thank god.

"Firstly, we'll lightly ride about 180 kilometres."

You sighed and put on your helmet while looking down at your bike, sadly..

"Man, I should've stayed at home.. I miss my cat already." You pouted.

The ride wasn't even that bad. It was infact very calming.. Well, for you, at least. From time to time, you'd look behind to see how the three boys were doing, and all you could see was them arguing.

You focused on yourself and even managed to keep up a constant speed of 30-35 km/h

Everyone, including the three newwwbies, managed to arrive at the designated area before the sunsets. Everyone was also panting, trying to catch their breath while sweating like crazy.

"Alright, now that everyone has warmed up.. Let's get started with the training."

They were so close to losing their sanity when they heard Mr. Nam, say that.
You weren't complaining. Why? Because you're not even there to train, you were there just to help out.

Mr. Nam then bought you guys to a elderly couple's place. They were so sweet and caring, they even saw Mr. Nam as his... Daughter.

After placing the bags from earlier inside the place, he bought everyone back out again to start the physical training; shuttle run.

You stood beside, Mr. Nam while holding a whistle in your hands. You turned to him and waited for his signal before blowing the whistle. Everyone started running with all their might, just because they didn't want to sleep outside in their tents.


"Yay, good job, guys. You all did great!" You said whole you smiled at them as they were mostly on the ground, trying to catch their breath again.

While everyone was showering and getting ready for the night, you were busy talking to Shelly.

"Why don't you want to sleep inside?.."

"I don't want to be treated differently because I'm a girl, and Jay will be with me, so I'll be fine.." She said.

"Damnn, really?.. Wow, that's just cool of you.." You said, mesmerised by her words before shrugging your shoulders.

"Welp, okay. Suit yourself, I'm going in!" She just stared at you, with an unamused expression on her face as she watched you go inside.

She expected you to join her, but instead, you went inside to sleep anyway. I mean, there was no way you're throwing away an opportunity like this. You did NOT want to sleep outside in the cold.

You walked past one of the rooms and saw June, Dom, and Mason, crowding together while reading something. You went in and stood behind them, reading a very cute note.

"Awwh, that's cute. Who's that to?"

They all turned and screamed, not expecting you to be there. June, then chuckled before answering your question.

"Apparently, a first year gave this snack to Dom.. I guess she doesn't care about looks.."

"HAHA! That's foul of you, June."

You then saw who it was from, Aria? You knew her. She was the cute girl who was related to Sangho. You've seen her a few times, and you both definitely knew each other from her brothers.

When you got to your own room, you laid down comfortably and was knocked out after less than 5 minutes. You slept so good that night.. Shelly was missing out fr.

The next morning, you woke up really early and went out from fresh air. You then saw Vinny sitting on the porch. You sat next to him while he just looked straight ahead.

"Good morning, red head. What's on your mind?" You asked.

He then looked at you for a second before looking away again. You could've sworn that he was blushing, but you didn't wanna say anything about it.

"What if I said I was thinking about you?"

You looked at him with wide eyes, confused... You didn't want to make this awkward, so you laughed.. awkwardly.

"Haha, what do you mean?.."

"...I think you know what I mean."

You then felt your face get warmer every second.. Seriously, what did he mean by that?.. Does he actually like me?..

The sun was starting to rise. He looked at your face as the sun was reflecting in your eyes. Vinny couldn't look away, no matter how hard he tried.

When you finally looked back at him, he realised everything about you, the way you look at him, the way you smiled, and the way the tone of your voice changes whenever you talked to him.. That's when he found out he was definitely developing feelings for you again..

He gathered the courage to speak to you again.. "[Y/N], I think I.."

You were looking at him, waiting for him to finish his sentence until...

𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐌𝐞, 𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐇𝐢𝐦. || Sabbath crew , WindbreakerWhere stories live. Discover now