✭Part 1 ✭

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End of season 4...

✭Marco Pov ✭

As I'm skateboarding past all my earth friends toward the huge portal in the sky all I can think about is getting to star shaking at the thought of never seeing her again. The portal continues to get smaller and smaller until I'm close enough but it's to late... it exploded and I lay down in defeat "I'm never gonna see her again" I thought as I start to tear up until I break into a sob then I hear the sound of dragon cycles "huh" I sit up and there she is Star...a unicorn and a car pass by us as I'm processing what's happening then chaos breaks out monsters walking and people screaming but all I can think about is her I stand up and walk towards her and all I can say is "hey" Star looks happy and says "hi"
End of flashback

Time skip 5 years

✭ Star Pov ✭

I can't believe I'm getting married all these years later I mean I obviously expected to be together but MARRIAGE kinda unbelievable you know what I mean... on top of that eclipsa no longer being queen means that I'm still next in line to become queen of mewni and earth which is a lot more responsibility than I asked for but we're here now so WHAT CAN YA DO. The people and monsters didn't adjust well at first in fact it was a shit show in the beginning especially considering I destroyed the magic but now it's getting better and everyone is learning to coexist with each other. I miss all my other friends though the ones from other dimensions its especially bad today because it's my wedding day and their not here to see it to bad I'll never see them again... I don't like to dwell on it though because then I'll just be sad everywhere I go. I still have Marco though! My Marco if anyone got to transfer dimensions I'm glad it was him I don't know what I would've did without him "Star" Mom says "Are you ready?" I look at her with excitement and nervousness riddled on my face "as ready as I'll ever be" I reply with a smile

✭Marco Pov ✭

I'm pacing in the ballroom venting to Tom  about how nervous I am "I don't know I'm so excited but also so worried because what if were to young for this I mean we are only 19  what if she realizes she doesn't love me in a few years I don't know what I'm gonna do... HELLO ANYONE LISTENING" I say waving my hand in my best man Tom's face "Yea I'm here man totally I'm just confused on why your so worried because you guys obviously love each other and have for a while now" he says with a confused look on his face "Yea dude there's absolutely no reason to be worried right now" Janna says from the corner of the room "AHHHH JANNA" I screamed and fell to the floor "yup it's me" she says with a smirk on her face "Hey janna" Tom replies with a wide smile she just waves back to him with that same smirk on her face "Aren't you supposed to be with Star and pony head right now" I ask her "yea but she sent me to check on you because she knew you were gonna start over thinking" she said with a shrug of her shoulders. Star knows me so well I thought to myself a small smile appearing on my face and their right by the way there is absolutely no reason I should be nervous I guess it's just butterflies ( get it 😏) *I got it author 😏* the more I think about how much I love her the more I feel relaxed "So" Janna says breaking me out of my train of thought "You ready?" She asks with a knowing look on her face "As ready as I'll ever be" I reply with a toothy grin

✭Narrator Pov✭

In the room where the wedding is taking place we can see Marco standing at the alter excited at the thought of marrying Star... Star however is still nervous and hasn't been able to shake those feeling off even tho pony head gave her a good pep talk before going out there. Former queen moon takes her daughters hand and all of her worries melt away " Star I know how nervous you are but that boy out there loves you with all his heart and I can tell you love him to I'm proud of all you've overcome and I'm proud of the woman you've become you deserve this so whatever queen thing is on your mind right now don't focus on it just focus on him" she says peeking through the curtain that's about to change my life as soon as I step from behind it " But what if-" she cuts Star off " No but's young lady now do you want to marry Marco Diaz" she looks at her with a scolding face "Well I wouldn't have said yes to him the first time if I didn't" Star says with an eyeroll nerves easing " Then get out there" Queen Moon says with a chuckle... Star grabs her dads hand with a now determined look on her face "You ready?" He asks I nod my head yes before we walk out "then let's go moon pie" River guides her to the alter a sad smile on his face perhaps because he is giving away his only child... when king River lets go of her and meets his wife in the audience Star looks at Marco tearing up while he does the same "You look beautiful" he says " So do you" Star says with a smile on her face *ugh what a drag CAN WE GET TO THE EXCITING PART* I say to myself 
(Time skip because I don't feel like adding all of that 😭)
"You may now kiss the bride" Eclipsa says Marco envelops Star in a kiss and drops his hands to her sides as she leans into him *they are so cute aren't the author*  (yea they are huh 🤭) the crowd erupts with laughter and happiness as we fade out on our former main characters...

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We will meet our new characters in the next chapter 😏 and to clear up any confusion before it starts this *insert text here* Just means that the narrator is talking no one can hear them of course for example think the narrators in "ever after high" please let me know if this is to confusing! Anyway new update coming soon this was just to catch everyone up on the new dynamics SEE YOU SOON
All the best,

1135 words

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