✭Part 2 ✭

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Hey yall I'm sorry an update took this long but I've been a bit busy with school and what not but let's get on with the story 😏...

Time skip 10 years (twins are now 10)

"MOMMMMMMMMMMM" Elise screamed at the top of her lungs while running into the grandma room to meet up with Star "MOMMMMMM WHERE ARE YOUUUUU" she said once she heard no response "I'm right here please calm down" she says with a smirk on her face when it suddenly drops "where's your brother?" "Right here mother, is there a reason u called me and Elise in here today?" Star prepares to answer his question until- "it's because we need to know about why you destroyed the magic and about our place in the butterfly family since we'd be the first generation to be born without magic right?" Alfie says cutting her off all Star and Elsie do is stare at him in silence and shock "sorry" alfie said with a shy smile on his face "it's fine Alfie you took the words right out of my mouth actually" Star said with a look of pride towards Alfie

feeling left out Elise inturuppts this small moment "So mom who's this" she says while standing in the middle of the grandma room pointing towards a woman with peach colored hair holding a fan infront of her face  "that's your ancestor Celena the shy you know I've actually meet her before when I destroyed the magic"the butterfly matriarch says as soon as those words slip out of her mouth both kids went suddenly still *it seems that queen star has forgot to mention that magic seemed to be destroyed by her hand to her own children for ten years now... yikes let's see where this goes* "excuse me" Alfie says with a stunned look on his face his twin however stood by speechless "I-i-um-how-what-WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT I MEAN HOW COULD YOU DESTROY SOMETHING SO PRECIOUS AS MAGIC" Elise screams out towards her mother "WATCH WHO YOUR YELLING AT YOUNG LADY DONT MAKE ME GET YOUR FATHER"  Suddenly both children came to a stop at the threat of their father being involved "will you let me explain now hmmm" star looked at them both expectingly "yes ma'am" the children chorused at that moment star came to the very scary realization that she's turning into her mother and physically shudders at the thought "anyway let's get this started..." *let's speed this up since I'm sure you already know the story right? TIME SKIP TIME!*

about two hours later after Star was finished telling the story and the kids done listening Alfie suddenly said "Mother why wouldn't you tell us earlier?" He said with a bit of a saddened look on his face his twins almost being the exact opposite of his her eyes were filled with wonder and curiosity it looked like she had become a new person while her twins eyes were full of betrayal and despair "The reason I didn't tell you before my brave boy is because you were to young to know the great power that once existed over the world as well as how much danger it caused for others" The young boy still seemed lost even after his mother explained everything to him however Elsie could no longer keep in her excitement " MOTHER THAT WAS THE GREATEST STORY EVER! I MEAN WHO KNEW THAT YOU AND DAD WERE TOTAL BADASSES WHAAAS MAGIC IS SO COOL AHHHH" Alfie grew irritated when listening to his sister due to the fact she can be so naive most of the time "SHUT UP YOUR BEING STUPID ITS NOT EXCITING BECAUSE WELL NEVER BE ABLE TO USE IT" he screamed at his sister while she started tearing up "YOUNG MAN GO TO YOUR ROOM RIGHT NOW I THOUGHT YOU WERE OLD ENOUGH TO HANDLE THIS BUT CLEARLY NOT" Star stepped in for her young daughter and disciplined her son not to long after he stormed out the room to be alone or whatever boys do when their in trouble

after that whole ordeal started the turned to her daughter "Elise I am about to give you something I wanted you and your brother to share it but clearly your brother could not handle so you must swear to me that you will keep it safe and let no harm come to it understand" Elise was thrown off by her mothers sudden seriousness "I swear it" she said seconds later "Good because I sense a threat on the horizon that we will not be ready for in the slightest here" Star says giving Elise her old spell book "it may seem useless now but we might soon depend on you for the doom to come. Elise butterfly I make you my heir and therefore next in line for the butterfly throne" Elise stood there frozen when suddenly the full weight of what her mother was saying hit her in an instant and before she could say anything.-"Heyyyy does anyone want any nachoooos"...

-"Heyyyy does anyone want any nachoooos"

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Hey guys I wanna apologize again for not updating as soon as I could but life happens you know however I will be getting more consistent when it comes to this story hope you all the best don't forget to comment I also want to reiterate that none of the art being used is mine!
All the best,
911 words...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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