6. One Demon Too Many

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TW: Masturbation, Sexual Content

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I WAS MORE A SLAVE THAN I WAS A SERVANT. At least, that's what it felt like. Lord Mercer had me all but shackled to his hip, dragging me along wherever it was he went. He had me carry his books and fetch his meals. He even had me draw his baths and help dress him in the mornings.

The butler, Mr Maltby, took me on like any other newcomer and worked me to the bone. He had me cleaning, cooking and gardening. And, when he found out that I wasn't particularly good at any of those things, he turned his nose up at me before sending me to shadow some of the other servants.

I ran around brining in large shipments of food, wine and brandy; a stockpile for Lord Mercer's next party. I cleaned his house, polished his silver, washed his clothes, tended to his garden and even shovelled his horses' shit.

I did all of that for over a week and not once had he taken me back to his bed. It was almost like I really was just a simple servant, at least for a little while. He barely spared me more than a glance or two, his mind far away on matters that had nothing to do with me. I should have felt relief but I felt less at ease than I did sitting alone in my room. Still, it was good to have something to do. Work was work but the longer I went without it, the more it pained me to admit that I wanted him again.

I wanted to feel his hands against my skin. I wanted to feel that same fire in my veins that I remembered from my first night with him. His mind games had clearly gotten to me, that was the only explanation. Or, maybe it was because of how my body was now. After five long years working in a brothel I craved the touch of another. To be held and touched, even when it was anything but gentle.

My resentment towards him only served to fuel my lust and after over a week of working as nothing but a simple servant, one he paid next to no mind on, I was ready to burst. I had gone from a prince to a pauper, beloved to worthless. After a taste of brothel royalty, where everyone I passed desired me and wanted me, this felt like a gaping hole in my chest that never seemed to close up properly.

I had only just come to grow accustomed to my new role and I was out trimming the bushes around the outdoor gazebo when he came.

I heard his footsteps approaching, his heels tapping against the cobblestone path, but refused to turn around. This was all a part of his game and I was not going to give in but the longer it had gone on, the more my resolve began to falter. I was sure I knew what he wanted from me but the more I thought about it the more I questioned even that. What was his motive? Was I a servant or a toy? And what of the others that came before me?

There were too many unknowns and that alone had my heart rattling in my chest when the footsteps came to a halt behind me.

"You're starting to fit in quite nicely."

I tensed at his remark and finally turned around with a sigh. "You could say that. Is there something you need, my lord?"

A smirk worked its way into his features as he leaned against one of the pillars of the gazebo, the corner of his mouth curving upwards as he shook his head. "I just thought I'd compliment you on your work. You've done well today."

Narrowing my eyes, I thanked him and returned to my work. He remained quiet but didn't move and I could feel his piercing eyes on my back, watching my every move as I worked to perfect the bush in front of me. My hands were dirty with mud and I was sure there was some dirt wiped onto my brow.

Taking a deep breath, I ignored him as best as possible. With every second passing the itch inside me grew stronger and stronger. Every minute that we stayed in the same place together only added to the growing frustration I felt.

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