9. To Crave Something So Deeply

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TW: Sexual Content

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HIS HANDS WERE ON ME IN AN INSTANT. They grasped my upper arms tightly, holding me still as he pulled me against him and pressed his mouth against my neck, his teeth grazing gently across the skin.

With every second that passed, I felt the fire burning hotter inside my stomach, growing steadily stronger as his kisses became more brazen and his hands moved to my hips then higher up the sides of my ribs, his nails scraping softly across my skin as his hands slipped under my dishevelled shirt.

My palms pressed firm against his chest and shoved hard, forcing the two of us apart in a desperate attempt to garner some space. This was exactly what I had been waiting so anxiously for and, from that oh-so devilish look in his eye, he knew it. But to do such a thing in so public of a space was beyond sinful.

Then again, when had I ever cared about sin? I was not a particularly religious man, not anymore, and I had already willingly damned my soul a hundred times over.

"Please, my lord. Stop," I pleaded, my voice strained with the effort of keeping my emotions in check, trying desperately to control the erratic beating of my heart.

"And why would I do that? You are mine, Theo. Mine to do with as I please. Besides, I know you have been waiting for this, don't lie to me."

When he came closer again, I didn't even try to move away, allowing him to enter my precious space again in a moment of blinded arousal. His long, slender fingers cupped either side of my jaw and brought my mouth to his in a hungry kiss, one that left me dizzy with desire and made me feel exposed, even before his fingers curled around my shirt and tore it open.

His tongue swept into my mouth as the broken buttons scattered across the gazebo floor, coaxing a moan out of me as he stroked his thumb across my bottom lip. The sensations that flooded me as he did this were unlike anything I had ever known, and as always my body reacted to them without my permission. I closed my eyes and savoured his taste as my back hit the solid stone behind it.

When he pulled his lips away from mine, I almost found myself chasing after them, but had no opportunity to do so when he spun me around and pushed me up against the nearest pillar.

Without a second to waste, he yanked what was left of my clothes down, urging me to kick off my shoes to allow myself to step from the pool they created on the ground as he gently ran his hand across my still swollen arse.

"Does it hurt?" he asked and, for a moment, I almost believed he cared.

His fingers traced across the small welts that lingered from my previous punishment and I knew without even having to look at him that he was proud of the marks he'd left behind. It was sickening. He was sickening. And yet, I still wanted him. I wanted him more than anything.

"No," I murmured the lie as his fingers slid further along my skin, tracing a path across the swell of my cheek to the side of my hip.

He moved closer, his warmth enveloping me as he pressed a feathery kiss against the skin beneath my earlobe. When he spoke, his voice was nothing but heated air, "Don't lie to me, Theo."

My name was like honey on his tongue and, if I could, I would listen to him say it over and over again for all eternity. Instead, I shook my head, closing my eyes again as he trailed light kisses down my neck and onto my shoulder.

"It stings a little," I whispered, feeling as though I couldn't bear it if he stopped touching me.

One of his hands lifted to cup my face and he turned my head slightly to the right, exposing the side of my neck. I shivered as his hot breath brushed against it and, despite myself, I gave out a soft whimper.

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