They Ask You Out

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A/N: Hope this book doesn't suck so here I go. Please enjoy.
You stared outside the window. Only a few more minutes until school ends. The teacher was rambling about how to stay safe over summer and blah blah blah. It does matter anyways, summer vacation will begin today anyway. You felt something hit the back of your head. It was a note. It read, meet me at the pool after the bell. ASAP. - Haru.
You looked back to see the blue eyed boy staring out the window. Wonder what was going on.
The bell rang and you went straight to the pool. No one was there. You hissed, "what a dumb prank." You turned around to see blue orbs meeting your e/c ones. Haru. A small hint of pinked dusted his cheeks, "I-I like you. Will you go out with me?" You smiled, Haru? Liking me? Yes! You nodded, "yes!"

For this experiment, you were partnered up with the class sweetheart, Makoto Tachibana. The experiment? Dissecting a cow eye. You watched as Makoto slowly cut the eye in half. Gooey clear liquid spilled out. "Yuck." You said. He smiled, "it's not that bad." You pointed at his arm, "the gooey stuff is running down your glove and onto your arm." He gasped, "ew. Excuse me, I'm going to go clean up." You chuckled, "hurry back."
For cleaning goo off your arm, Makoto took a long time. "Sorry, I was cleaning the glove to." You smiled, "no worries." "Okay class. This period is almost over so start packing up!" Said your teacher. You grabbed your backpack. You saw Makoto blush a deep shade of red. "I-I'll see you l-later." You looked up confused, "okay?" You opened your backpack. Things. Lots of new things were placed. A teddy bear, candy, jewelry, things like that, all in your backpack. But, there was a singular note placed on the top. I really like you and I was hoping if we can go on a date? -MT You looked up. Makoto rocked on his heels back and forth. You gave him a hug, "I'd love to."

Projects sucked to be honest. But with your cheery friend Nagisa, nothing sucked. "Okay. Almost done." The two of you were doing the stereotypical science project, the volcano. You were painting the lava. "Done!" The last drop of red, orange, and yellow paint were finished. "Wow, Y/N-chan! That's awesome!" You smiled, "thanks! I wanted to get the perfect lava color. How's the inside of the volcano doing?" Nagisa went blank, "um... I haven't started." You chuckled, "it's okay. Let me help you." As you reached for another tube of paint, he kissed you. You kissed back, "Nagisa?" He wailed, "please go out with me Y/N-chan! I love you! You're so nice and funny and smart please date me!" You bit your bottom lip, "of course."

"Okay Rei. What do you think?" You read your speech to Rei. It was your speech for one of your classes. "It's beautiful." You chuckled, "that's a bit over dramatic but thanks!" He looked at you, "yeah. Beautiful." You leaned back, "Rei?" Rei realized what he said and put his hands over his eyes, "s-s-sorry! I-I don't know what I was thinking. I mean you're beautiful-- wait you weren't supposed to hear that! Ugh! Now you know about my feelings! Wait-- I bet you didn't! I'm sorry!" You laughed at the scene Rei was making. "Rei, you're too sweet." He looked at you, "go out with me!" You kissed him, "yes."

Gou, your best friend, invited you over for a sleepover today. You brought your old backpack and stuffed it with snacks, movies, games, and of course, your clothes. You knocked on the door. Rin, her brother, opened. "What are you doing here?" He asked. Funny, you come over everyday and every time he still asks the same question. He should know. "I'm spending the night." His eyes widen, "y-you're sleeping h-here? You're staying here? For a whole night? Today?" You smiled, "yes. It was Gou's idea." He nodded, "okay but I need to ask you one question before it kills me. Do you... want to go out... with me?" You kissed his cheek, "yes I've always wanted to date you. Oh. There you are Gou!"

Haru, one of your best friends, asked you to go see him swim at Samezuka's swimming pool. Since he rarely ask you to see practices, today you said yes. You watched has Haru beautifully swam each lap. "Who are you?" You meet teal orbs. "I'm Y/N. I'm a friend of Haru's." He looked to make sure Haru wasn't looking. "I know this is sudden but you're really cute and I want to get to know you. I'm Sousuke. Here's my number. Wanna hang out this weekend?" You smiled, "sure. I'd love to." You felt a wet arm wrap around your arm, "you're not going anywhere." Haru. He dragged you away. You turned back and mouthed, "see you then!"
Okay well that wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Feel free to request, vote, and comment!💖

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