Chapter 9: Another mission.

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Author: Hi guys! I'm back! (Tysm for 200+ reads!)
(TW: Violence and cussing)
Day 5

After the trio had eaten at the restaurant Tanjiro's crow flew over to her and yelled in his annoying voice, repeating that Tanjiro had a new mission.

Tanjiro: "PLEASE STOP YELLING IN MY EAR!!" Matsuemon: "CAW CAW NEW MISSION FOR YOU, NEW MISSION FOR YOU!!" Tanjiro: "I GET IT! I GET IT" Zenitsu: "I feel bad for Tanjiro, he has such an annoying crow" 
Inosuke: *Staring intensely at the crow* Zenitsu: 'He's thinking of eating the crow isn't he?'
Tanjiro sighed. Tanjiro: "I'll get going now see you guys later" Zenitsu: "See you" Inosuke: "See you, Gonpachiro" Tanjiro: "It's Tanjiro!" 

Tanjiro left to go to the village that she needed to go to for her mission, when she got there she felt like something was off...very off. The town seemed to be very quiet, people only looked depressed or like they were deep in despair. Tanjiro got a chill down his spine knowing something was very wrong,
Tanjiro went up to a man who seemed to have a sad expression.  Tanjiro: "Hello sir!" The man looked at Tanjiro, looking sad and confused. Man: "Did you need something?" Tanjiro: "Do you know why many people here, including you, look so upset?" Man: "Ever since people had been disappearing with no trace behind, people in our village have lost all hope and we have been waiting to be next to disappear"
Tanjiro felt bad for the villagers to see them in such a loss of hope. Tanjiro: "That's horrible... I'll try to help you all!" The man slightly nodded to Tanjiro. Tanjiro: "Well I need to get going I hope you feel better soon!" Man: "Farewell"

Tanjiro walked away from the guy looking around the town, she got more information from some of the villagers as he went around the town. Tanjiro: 'I've got a lot of information now. So I have some idea of what this demon is like?' When Tanjiro gathered information for the villagers he talked to a teenager around 14-16 years old. Tanjiro: "Hello young sir!" The teenager looked up at Tanjiro, he looked like he was troubled by something, Tanjiro noticed this quickly.
Tanjiro: "Are you okay? It looks like you are worried about something or someone" Tanjiro: 'His scent...He is definitely worried about something or someone'  Teenager: "It's my mom... She's been missing for days now and I'm now really worried about her"  Tanjiro: "Hm... What happened when you last saw her, if you don't mind me asking" Teenager: "She was going out with my step-dad and never returned. I thought she would be back by 9 or 11 but never returned home, so I have been searching for her since" Tanrjiro: "That's strange...But don't worry! I will try to find your mom!" The teenager has a small glimmer of hope in his eyes and slightly smiles. Teenager: "Thanks..." Tanjiro smiles at him. Tanjiro: "No problem!" 

While Tanjiro was thinking of the info she had received she noticed that it was only old people disappearing, this made Tanjiro think the demon would eat old people since they are vulnerable. Tanjiro: 'So this demon probably takes advantage of the elderly people' Tanjiro slightly frowned when at the thought of that. Suddenly, she heard screaming from somewhat an old man's scream. This alarmed Tanjiro, she ran towards the screaming, she saw the demon with an old man, the demon had the old man's arms behind his back so he could not fight back, Tanjiro was angry seeing the demon take advantage of the old man. The demon had long straight hair, with green highlights, glowing green eyes, and gray skin.  Tanjiro quickly dashed over to the demon trying to at least attack it so it lost its grasp on the old man. The demon lets go of the man and quickly backs up, the old man has his chance to run (0.1 miles per hour) and takes it. Tanjiro also backs up straightly looking at the demon, she dashes towards him again but misses as the demon quickly dodges. Demon: "All, how cute of you to try to attack the great Zunoko" Tanjiro: "I'm a guy" Zunoko: "Even better😏" (Zesty ah demon) Tanjiro: "💀" (I'm so sorry for adding this part-) Tanjiro: "Uh- let's get this over with" Tanjiro jumped over to the demon and cut one of its limbs off. Zunoko: "That's just a scratch" Zunoko regenerated his arm not long after Tanjiro had sliced it off. Zunoko: "Blood demon, blowing leaves" Tanjiro saw leaves blowing around her, she was confused at first then an awful smell, Tanjiro had endured. 
Tanjiro: 'What is that god-awful smell?! These leaves give off a horrible scent' Tanjiro became dizzy and her knees fell to the ground. Tanjiro: 'No...I can't pass out right now!' Zunoko: "Those leaves made you dizzy, it seems it has worked." Zunoko smiled, looking down at Tanjiro. 
Tanjiro got up. Zunoko: 'Wait what?! How did she get up?! The scent is supposed to work like a drug on humans, it was supposed to make her pass out by now' Tanjiro looked at him. 

Tanjiro: "You are going to have to try harder if you want me to give up" Tanjiro dashed over to the demon. Tanjiro: "Water breathing! 4th form! Striking tide" Tanjiro said as she cut off the demon's head. Zunoko: 'Shit! He caught me off guard!' Tanjiro looked down at the demon's disintegrating head. Tanjiro's eyesight became blurry and she soon passed out after the demon disintegrated. 

Author: Hi guys! It's nice to write again! This time I should be able to finish the book! (939 words)

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