Chapter 5: Braiding!

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Author: Hi. 

~Day 3~

Tanjiro was walking to "his" house. "He" was going to get some sleep for a few hours and try to meet "his" other friends. "He" wanted to visit Mitsuri since "he" hadn't seen her for a while. So "he" would visit her today with Nezuko after he slept for a bit. When "he" got home "he" placed the box on "his" back down in Nezuko's room, took off his haori then, went to his room and went to sleep.
A few hours later around 2 P.M.. Tanjiro got up and stretched. He looked out the window and saw it was already noon telling from the sun. Tanjiro thought about "him" and Nezuko visiting Mitsuri today. "Him" and Nezuko enjoyed hanging out the Mitsuri a lot. Mitsuri and Nezuko had a close relationship so Nezuko would be super happy around her. "He" fixed his hair a bit since it was messy and walked over to the kitchen(Katte) to see if there was any food. There was some but only just a little bit so Tanjiro needed to get some food. "He" went over to Nezuko's room and knocked on the door. 

Tanjiro: "Nezuko?? Can I come in?" Nezuko: "Mmm/ Yeah" Tanjiro opened the door and entered.
Tanjiro: "I'm going to go get some food so, will you be alright alone or do you want to come?" 
Nezuko: "Mmm/I will be ok"  Tanjiro nodded Tanjiro: "Alright, I'm going to head out now" 
Tanjiro left Nezuko's room and closed the door before putting his haori back on and heading outside. While Tanjiro was walking to the store it started to get cloudy and the clouds started to get darker. Tanjiro: "I better start walking faster before it starts to rain.." Tanjiro picked up the pace and headed to the story a few minutes later he made it to the store. He goes in and while he is getting some food he sees someone familiar. A person who had flame hair. Tanjiro looked over at the familiar person and realized it was Rengoku. "He" decided to approach Rengoku. 
Tanjiro walked over to Rengoku. Tanjiro: "Rengoku-san!" Rengoku looked over to Tanjiro.
Rengoku: "Hm? Is that you young Kamado?" Tanjiro: "Well yeah-" Rengoku had a confused expression Rengoku: "Well you look quite different?" Tanjiro: "Well I'll explain later- Anyways what are you doing here?" Rengoku laughs Rengoku: "I am getting donuts!!" Tanjiro: "Oh that's nice" Rengoku: "What about you?" Tanjiro: "I was just coming here to get some food since I am running out" Rengoku: "Oh alright!" Tanjiro and Rengoku talked together while Tanjiro got some food. When Tanjiro finished buying his food he and Rengoku said bye then Tanjiro left to go back to his house. Telling by the area it had rained a lot when Tanjiro was inside the store. It was still cloudy with dark clouds all over the sky. Tanjiro: "Guessed it rained while I was in the store" 
After like 10-15 minutes Tanjiro made it back home. Tanjiro: "I'm back Nezuko!" Nezuko came out of her room went up to Tanjiro and hugged him. Tanjiro laughed. Tanjiro: "Be careful I might drop the food!" Tanjiro said with a smile. Nezuko nodded and pulled away. She helped him put away the food in the kitchen. Tanjiro: "So Nezuko I was wondering today if you wanted to visit Mitsuri?" Nezuko happily nodded. Nezuko: "Mmm!/ Yes!" Tanjiro: "Great. Let's visit her later tonight" Nezuko made happy noises. Nezuko: "Mm-mmm!/ I'm excited" Tanjiro and Nezuko continued to put the food up while Tanjiro talked about his encounter with Rengoku. 
Tanjiro: "I didn't know that Rengoku likes donuts," Tanjiro said tilting his head.
Nezuko: "Mmmm-mm/Me either" Tanjiro and Nezuko finished putting the food up, and then they both heard hard rain hitting the window. Tanjiro: "Looks like the rain is getting hard." Nezuko: "Mmm/Yeah" Tanjiro: "I hope it gets a bit lighter before we can go to Mitsuri's"
~Time skip because I am lazy~  
Around 8 P.M. the rain had finally started to go down and with more lighter rain. Both Tanjiro and Nezuko were getting ready to head to Mitsuri's. Nezuko: "Mmm mmm m!/I can't wait to see her!"
Tanjiro: "You must really enjoy being with her" Tanjiro smiled. Nezuko: "Mmm!/Yeah!" 
Tanjiro: "Well we should start heading there now" Nezuko nodded. They both left their house and started walking to Mitsuri's estate. After 20 minutes of walking, they finally made it to her estate and knocked on the door. Obanai was the one to open the door. He glared at both of them. Obanai: "What are you guys doing here?" he said annoyedly. Tanjiro: "Me and Nezuko came to visit Mitsuri today!" Obanai: "Well-" Mitsuri comes from behind. Mitsuri: "Oh who is it?" Obanai's tone quickly changes. Obanai: "It's just Nezuko and Tanjiro, they wanted to visit you" Mitsuri smiled. Mitsuri: "Oh that's nice! Come in!" She let Tanjiro and Nezuko come in. The whole time Obanai was glaring at them. When they came in Muichiro was also with Obanai and Mitsuri. They were all talking about random stuff while just drinking some matcha tea. 
Tanjiro smiles Tanjiro: "Hello Tokito-kun!" Muichiro: "..Hello.." Muichiro glanced at Tanjiro and Nezuko then looked back at his matcha tea. Mitsuri and Nezuko were hugging. Obanai was slightly jealous and continued to glare. Then it hit Mitsuri and Muichiro.
All three of them: "Wait a minute.." they all looked back at Tanjiro Mitsuri: "WAIT WHAT HAPPENED?!"  (Muichiro forgot about Tanjiro) Muichiro: "What the.." Obanai: "Oh yeah I remember.. Tanjiro got turned into a girl-" He said casually. Tanjiro laughs awkwardly.
Muichiro: "How the fu-" Mitsuri: "Tokito-kun language" Muichiro: "Anyways...How did this happen?" Mitsuri: "Yeah this is weird?" Tanjiro: "I don't know what happened but all I know is I just woke up like this." Mitsuri: "That's strange.." Muichiro: "Did...You ask...What's her name again..?" Mitsuri: "Shinobu?" Muichiro nodded Tanjiro: "Yeah but she didn't know anything about it" Mitsuri just smiled Mitsuri: "Your hair looks pretty though!" Tanjiro: "Thanks!" 
Mitsuri: "Could I braid it?" At this point, Obanai was just super jealous (Protective ah bf-)
Mitsuri started to braid Tanjiro's hair. Nezuko wanted her hair to get braided so Tanjiro braided her hair while Mitsuri braided her hair. Meanwhile, Muichiro and Obanai were talking about random things.  About 2 hours later when it was 10 P.M. they all left (Besides Mitsuri lol) to go to their own houses. 
Tanjiro: "Today was fun wasn't it?" Nezuko made a happy noise and nodded her head 
Nezuko: "Mhm!" 

Author: Sorry for not updating this! I was very busy with drawing lol- Anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter! (1107 words)

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