Chapter 1: What the?!

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Author: Please try to enjoy- (I rewrote this chapter btw)

One normal night Tanjiro was getting ready for bed, put his pajamas on got on his bed, and fell asleep. It was a long day for Tanjiro, He was still searching for a demon that could tell him about Muzan. When he woke up "he" felt a little different but shrugged it off. Nezuko was already in the kitchen at that time, looking at the pictures on the wall. then, Nezuko turned around.

Nezuko: "Mmm mm??/ Tanjiro?" Tanjiro: "Yes Nezuko?" Nezuko: "Mmmm mmm mm/ You look a little different-" Tanjiro: "What do you mean?" Nezuko: "Mm mm mmm.../ Go look in the mirror."  Tanjiro: "Okay?" Tanjiro went to the restroom and looked in the mirror. Tanjiro: "WAIT WHAT?! WHAT HAPPENED?!" Nezuko came in Nezuko: "Mm-mmm! / I have no idea." Nezuko: "Mmm mmmm mm? /Should we talk to Shinobu about this?" Tanjiro: "Yeah!"
Tanjiro and Nezuko go in their normal clothes. Tanjiro: "I really wonder how this happened?" Nezuko nods, then Tanjiro got Nezuko's box. Nezuko went inside the box and, Tanjiro carried the box on "his" back as usual. While Tanjiro walks to the Butterfly Mansion, She sees Zenitsu, Inosuke, Kanao, Muichiro, and Genya. She decides to go over to them and say hi. Tanjiro went over to them all and tried to say hi. Tanjiro: "Hey guys!"
Zenitsu: (Thinks) "OH MY GOD SHE IS SO PRETTY!!!!!!!!" Kanao: "...?" Genya: "Who the hell is this?!" Muichiro: "..." Inosuke: "Huh?! Who is this?!" Tanjiro: "Oh yeah...Heh...I forgot"
Tanjiro tries to explain the whole situation. Muichiro: "Your forehead is still big"
Genya: "He's not lying tho-" Zenitsu: "Aw..." Inosuke: *Did not understand one thing Tanjiro just said* Kanao: "That's weird...So, where are you heading?" Tanjiro: "I'm going to the butterfly mansion to talk to Shinobu about this." Kanao: "Oh." Tanjiro: "Well, I have to get going, bye!" They all say bye. Tanjiro continues to walk to the butterfly mansion. After a while, Tanjiro finally gets to the Butterfly Mansion. When he gets there, she knocks on the door.
Shinobu opens the door after a few seconds.
Shinobu: "Hm? Do you need anything?"
Shinobu: (Thinks) "This girl...Kinda looks like Tanjiro?"  Tanjiro: "Ah! Sorry, I need to explain!"
Shinobu: "Go on...?" Tanjiro: "I'm Tanjiro and I wanted to talk to you about something"
Shinobu: "Oh, so you're Tanjiro...Well....You kind of look like a girl-" 
Tanjiro: "I know! That's why I came here to ask you about it...I'm super confused!" 
Shinobu: "Heh...Ok, I'll try to see what's the problem. Come in..." Shinobu lets Tanjiro in and takes "him" to a room. Shinobu: "So, when did this happen?" Tanjiro: "Well...I don't know. I am guessing overnight because today I woke up like this."  Shinobu: "Hm... Have you felt anything different?" Tanjiro: "Yeah I feel a bit different" Shinobu: "Alright..." Shinobu sighs
Shinobu: "I don't know what could have happened...Look if you are feeling any pain just come back"
Tanjiro: "Ok" Shinobu: "Have a safe walk home!" Tanjiro nods and leaves the Butterfly Mansion
Tanjiro: "This is strange..." Tanjiro murmurs to herself as she walks. Tanjiro: "I wonder how long I will be like this?"Tanjiro sees Zenitsu and Inosuke on her way home so "he" decides to approach them.  Zenitsu: "AHH IT'S THE PRETTY WOMAN AGAIN!!!" Inosuke: "Huh." Tanjiro sighs 
Tanjiro: "And I'm still Tanjiro" Zenitsu: "Dang it..." Inosuke: "That's Tanjiro?" Points to Tanjiro
Zenitsu: "Tanjiro turned into a girl" Inosuke: "Oh. Ok" Tanjiro: "Where did the rest go?" 
Zenitsu: "Kanao went to get some food, and Genya and Muichiro left for their gay make-out session" Tanjiro: "Zenitsu!" Zenitsu: "What it's true!" Tanjiro: (Thinks) "So Kanao went to go get food and Genya and Muichiro left" Tanjiro: "How long has it been since Kanao left?"
Zenitsu: "Not too long" Tanjiro: "Hm..." Inosuke: "Has any of you two eaten toothpaste yet?"
Zenitsu: "WHY WOULD YOU ASK THAT?!" Inosuke: "Cause you both need to eat toothpaste. It tastes good" Tanjiro: "And why would you eat toothpaste?" Inosuke: "I was hungry" Tanjiro: "..."
Tanjiro: "How does it taste?" Zentisu: "WHY ARE YOU SO CHILL ABOUT THIS?!" Inosuke: "It tasted salty and minty" Tanjiro: "Interesting" Zenitsu: "I am done trying to talk to both of yall" Tanjiro and Inosuke talked about toothpaste, and after a few minutes or so Kanao came back with some food. Zenitsu: "Finally" Kanao: "What are Tanjiro and Inosuke talking about?" Zenitsu: "They are talking about eating toothpaste" Kanao: "What?"  Zenitsu: "Yeah-" Tanjiro and Inosuke notice Kanao Tanjiro: "Hi Kanao" Inosuke: "Hi butterfly girl" Tanjiro: "Inosuke-" Inosuke: "What"
Tanjiro: "Never mind-" Kanao: "Well since I'm back from getting food here you guys go" She gives some of the food to them Tanjiro: "Thank you" Zenitsu: "Thanks" Inosuke: *Already eating*
They all eat and have a nice time together. 

Tanjiro: "I think I should start heading home, bye guys!" Kanao: "Bye, Tanjiro" 
Zenitsu: "Goodbye" Inosuke: "Bye" Tanjiro starts to walk home Tanjiro: "Today was fun" Tanjiro looks up at the sky and smiles. 

Author: I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, also there might be some messy writing cause my English sucks so I'm sorry if the writing makes no sense- (860 words) 

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