a siren's call

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The next morning, groggy and confused, he wakes up late for work. He forgot to set his alarm. He rolls over to grab his phone and calls his boss. The phone rings twice before he is met with an angry voice greeting him on the other end of the line.

"Where are you? You were supposed to be here an hour and a half ago?"
"Yeah...I'm so sorry, boss," his voice is shakey, but he clears his throat. "My girl and I...I think we broke up last night. I forgot to set my alarm."
The line was quiet for a moment as she decided on how to handle it. Her throat was being cleared, and a sniffle was taken.
"Oh. I am really sorry to hear that," shuffling could be heard in the background as if she was looking at the schedule. "Well, how about you take the day off. I see you're scheduled off tomorrow anyway... just, ya know, get some time to yourself. We will be waiting here for you in a couple days."
His body relaxes as he now knows he isn't in trouble with them, too. "I really appreciate this. Again, I am sorry I couldn't let you know ahead of time."
"You know, you go above and beyond. Always coming in when we need you... We all go through difficult times. Just let us know if you ever think it will interfere with a future shift."
"Y-yes, ma'am. I definitely will."
"Try to get some rest, and we will see you when you come back."

The call ended, and he just laid back on the bed, staring up at the ceiling. His body was tingling, and his head spinning almost like a hangover. His mind kept jumping back and forth between thoughts about his girlfriend and this...woman?

After a few moments, he forced himself out of bed and into the bathroom. Releiving himself, he looked out the window into the yard. The birds were tweeting as the breeze shuffled the leaves and limbs. He sighed as he felt the woods calling him once again. He went over in front of the vanity, looking into the mirror. His eyes were no longer sunken in. His face was plump and full of color. As shitty as he felt on the inside, his exterior looked better than it had in months.

He threw himself together and put on some clothes. Opening the door of his room and walking down the stairs, the fully decorated home felt empty and quiet. The creaking of the floor boards used to scare him as it would signify in one way or another he was leaving to his girlfriend. She wasn't here to pester and question him this time. The silence haunted his mind. He almost missed her nagging already.

Without even thinking, he slipped on his shoes and began walking towards the woods. The beaten path could be seen from a hundred feet away. Making his way up to the forest line, he felt a familiar feeling. That weightlessness. That almost intoxication of calmness poured over his body. Stepping into the woods, chills ran over him, and he was being lured in. His mind and body ran on autopilot.

Down the pathway he went. It was oddly quiet. No birds chirping and no creatures crawling. Just his breathing and footsteps. Even the wind fell quiet. As he made it in a couple hundred steps, he felt movement behind him. He turned to see that the path disappeared just like before. She had lured and trapped him once again.

Even though he had walked himself to this point, he felt as if he was kidnapped. He came back to his body, seeing he was deep within the quiet woods...alone and vulnerable. He looked down at his hands. They were shaking. 'How did I get here again?' He turned around to see the path he had unknowing walked down. He had no choice but to continue walking forward.

His mind raced. 'This can't be a lack of sleep anymore. My mind felt rested this morning. I can't be hallucinating again.' The trail began making some twists and turns that it doesn't usually make. It ran down a hill, which was very out of place in this area of the country. He knew he had to follow the path. He would definitely become lost if not. Well, he was already lost. But without a path, he would never find his way out. 'Where the hell is she taking me?'

He's starting to realize this can't be a reality his mind is just creating. He is present in his body. He can feel the ground beneath his feet and the temperature of the air around him. He can smell the trees and see clearly. This has to be something real... Right?

He took a deep breath and began half walking, half sliding down this hill. The path was treacherous. Roots and rocks almost knocked him off his feet, but he managed to keep himself up by trees and vines along the path. Once he reached the bottom, he looked back up at the hill to notice it had tripled in height. Almost as if he were looking up at a cliff he could never climb out of.

His stomach sank as he felt something behind his body once again. The vibe changed. He turned his head slightly just to be able to see out of the corner of his eye. There was a glimmering and sparkling. It caught his attention, and he turned his face to look it head on. There was a pool of water that met at the convergence of two creeks. The pool seemed calm and relaxing.

His mind turned off once again and went into an autopilot. His body walked over to the embankment of the pool and looked into the water. It looked almost purple. The reflection of the trees carved designs into the waters surface. Tiny bubbles would appear here and there as if turtles were beneath the water... then larger bubbles...then fizz...then it went quiet.

His body fell onto his ass on the ground behind him. As his body made impact, he was then grounded in the moment once again. With a shortness of breath, he shot a hand over his chest, trying to calm himself. He is confused and dazed. Almost in a panic, he started looking at his surroundings, trying to figure out where he was. Lost.

While glancing around, something caught his eyes in the water. Another pair of eyes. The same eyes. In the far end of the pool, coming from one of the creeks was the top of a head. From the eyes up. Her eyes looked the same as they had before. He knew it was her. He was now cemented in place as her eyes locked him in. The water flowed around her as she drew closer in. With each step, she made closer more of herself and was exposed to him.

Her soft cheeks. Her plump lips he remembered so vividly around him. Her thin shoulders and large breasts. Her curved waist and wide hips. She stopped just before showing her delicate parts. Her breasts were covered in the same laced bra from before, but he could tell she didn't have panties on.

When in her presence, no worries crossed his mind. His eyes were now glued on the water surrounding her body. He envied the water as it was allowed to caress her beautiful skin. He wanted so bad to get a peak under the water to see the rest of her.

A smile creeped over her face, "You came back to see me," she said in a pleased tone.
His eyes widened and forced a swallow of nervousness. He knees we shaking without even having to support his body. "Y-yes, but I think... you brought me here."
She giggled and tickled the surface of the water with her fingertips. "I may have played a small role," her eyes glimmered with red inflections. "But you can't deny you desire me."
The trembling is now in his stomach. His entire lower half is shaking. "Who are you?"
She must have gone onto her knees beneath the water as she was now chest deep and moving a little closer to him as she spoke. "No need for names... I am everything you need."
He leaned back onto his hands, supporting himself upright. He tried to pull his legs up to his chest to get further from the waters egde, but they wouldn't budge. "What do you do to my body?" He pleaded as he struggled to move.
She was now at the embankment only inches from his feet. "Honestly... whatever I want, too. You may not know this yet. But you are mine now," her eyes glowed a bright red, and a creepy smile ran over her face.

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