soon but never enough

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Once his body bottomed out in the bottom of her metaphorical ocean of an astral rhealm. His eyes slowly opened. As they did, he could see his scenery was different. He was still on his bed, but his room was distorted and eerie. No bedroom furniture. It was black and grey as if all notable color was washed away by the weight of the air. No notable decor or scenery around him.

He took notice of his body laying on this familiar but still odd bed. He was still in his boxers, but one of his hands was gripping his hard shaft thry the cloth. It felt as if another hand was placed on top of his and instructed for him to stroke himself. He could feel her presence. A smile couldn't help but escape the side of his mouth.

His shoulders loosened up, and he relaxed even more. His eyelids grew heavy, and his head turned to the side as he explored himself with his hand and turned gently in pleasure. The energy in the room around him began to swirl like a whirlpool. Slowly then, faster.

Out of the blur came her beautiful pale skin in a glimmer. She stepped thru the faded existence and into his perception. His eyes trailed down her body as his grip tightened and his stopped stroking. A bead of drool creeped up in the same corner that just smirked at the thought of her watching him. Now he is watching her and he's floored.

Her curved body is just as beautiful as before. Today, she has fully exposed herself to him. His eyes dance over her delicate nipples and down her soft stomach. He notices she has a belly ring that has a red charm. It has a blinding glimmer as his eyes water, wanting to see what is below. Her hipbones and curved hips create a beautiful framework for the piece of art that covers her pussy. Not much can be seen as she stands by the foot of this bed, but his lower back arches slightly as if he wants to slip beneath her.

He bites his lip and pulls his feet closer to him. She smiles up to him and then crawls on the bed between his thighs. She sits and perches beautiful right below him. She looks into his eyes, and then her eyes trail down his body to where his hand is gripping his hard dick thru the boxers. A tongue slips out gently and licks her lips. Her eyes motion for him to continue.

Without a thought of hesitation, he does as she desires. Quickly rubbing himself again. She shakes her head, and he freezes. Her powers cause him to freeze in his tracks. His eyes grow big, and he locks into her eyes. Her eyes are soft and sultry. She blinks slowly twice. His hand slowly trails from the bottom of his shaft, up his dick, over the tip, over his boxers, under the hem, and onto his bare dick.

A smirk comes over her face as he gives her what she desires. She weightlessly crawls over the bed to his side. She never stops watching him and what she's doing. Her face comes up beside his as she looks down. His hand can be seen under the him working his dick for both of their pleasures. She watches for a moment before whimpering "mmmmm" into his ear. The light breath and vibrations against his sensitive neck sends chills all down his body. His toes curl.

As she sits on all fours next to him, he watches her. She's salvating as she watches him jerk off. His eyes explore her body. Admiring her tits as the hang just inches from him. With the other hand, he reaches over o touch them and pull them in closer to him. But as he does, she quickly graps his wrist and pins it down with super human strength.

"I'm not yours to play with," she growled.
He whimpered and squirmed, craving her so badly. "I just want to know what you feel like."
These words had an effect on her. Her back arched, a chill went down her spine, and she let out a small whimper. "Mmmm, yes. Soon enough." The evil grin came back sooner than ever.
He began working on himself faster with his free hand. He took note of her grip on him. He loved this power she was holding over him. It drew him in deeply.

She turned away and lay on her side with her head now being leaned down towards his dick. She had released the grip from his hand and placed it on the bed beside him. Her feet were off beside his head. His hand could reach over and grab her thigh if he wanted. And she rested her head in one hand that rested on her elbow. She watched as he worked his magic on himself, but she wanted to see more.

Her hand reached over and tucked her fingers beneath the hem. She pulled the waistband towards her lightly. As if his body was made of a mist, she pulled them right off of him with no struggle. His eyes grew big, but he didn't dare stop. She laid the boxers behind her on the bed as she watched intently.

With each stroke he made, she swayed her hips in sync softly. He could hear moans and whimpers escaping her lips.  He watched as her hips rolled and her eyes watered. She spread her legs and exposed her lips to him. His eyes shot wide open, and his lips parted. "Holy f..." Tears came up in his eyes as he was entranced by her power.

Her delicate lips were visually wet for the show he gave her. He felt as if he could almost imagine what it would feel like to penetrate her. Both of their eyes fluttered as they watched each other. Almost being teleported to a parallel dimension within this one itself. As his eyes fluttered, the flashes appeared again.

But this time, he could imagine himself entering her lips. Seeing her slowly lower herself on top of his body. Taking in every inch of his cock slowly. Then, rising up on it slowly. Feeling every vein and detail. He could feel the warmth, wet, tightness of her walls.

His eyes were now fully shut so he could imagine this heaven. He felt pressure on his chest as if her hand was there holding up her wait as she rode his shaft. He imagined how he would explore her body with his hands. From up her thighs, his thumbs teasing her mound, and then wrapping around to touch her ass before, coming back around and making his way up to her breasts. Just before he cupped his hands beneath them, he felt them chained.

He opened his eyes, and it was actually happening. She was on top of him. Her hands on his chest pushed her two perfectly large tits together as she slowly raised and dropped her ass over his dick.  His eyes grew wide once again as he glanced up to his hands. They were chained up above him.

She leaned down into his face with a huge grin. "Remember that I use you how I please..." One hand trailed from his chest to around his neck and then over his jawline to squeeze his cheeks lightly as she looked her souless eyes into his. "...not the other way around."

His eyes fluttered and almost rolled back in his head as this was too much to handle. He couldn't hold himself any longer. Nothing like this had ever happened to him before. With her fingers still gripping his cheeks, his back arched, pumping his seed deep within her slowly. Her walls tensed around him, milking him for all he was worth.

She loosened her fingers grip and slapped his cheek a little rough, "mmmm, I didn't give you permission to cum just yet," her voice trailed off. She pulled her hips up and off of him. His dick semi-limp ploped onto his pelvis beneath her entrance. "But I know it must be so hard to control yourself when you have a woman like me giving you everything you need."

She leaned down to his face and took in a deep breath. Almost like she was getting a good smell of him. She smiled and looked over his weak face. She began to crawl down the bed to leave. He shot up out of the bed fast and put a hand out to grab her but froze. She stopped him in his tracks.

She slowly and dramatically looked back over her shoulder. An eyebrow rasied.
"W-who are you?" He stumbled over his words.
Her glowing sunset eyes met his, "Everything you'll ever need."

Just like that, she was gone. He was in his room again. Alone. Left to himself. How was he supposed to fall asleep after that?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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