Its real

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Alexia's pov

"Ale please stay. Don't leave me, please." Hearing her beg for me not to leave her broke my heart.

"I'll be right back bebé, I'm just getting some water."

Alba and Mami were sitting on couch when it went out to the kitchen.

"She asked me not to leave, so I'm going to go back in there. You should go home. Thank you for your help." I set back off to Amelia's room. The heart breaking scene of her curled into a ball, her eyes red and swollen, and the sound of sniffles through the air.

I put her phone on charge and her water bottle on her bed side table, quickly making my way to the other side of the bed and climbing in. Pulling her into my arms and holding her until she fell asleep. After she had been asleep for half an hour, I messaged Keira and Lucy. Telling them I had Mil and asked them to come to her apartment. I didn't know what to do. Im not good with my own emotions, and helping someone who is so deeply hurt is new to me.

Keira Walsh:
I'm here. Let me in please.

Reluctantly, I got up, slowly in hopes to not wake Mil. The afternoon sun has lit up the apartment, it was bright and golden, a solemn contrast to the way Mils room felt. Opening the door, I was shocked to see someone else with Keira. Leah Williamson.

"Hi Alexia." The England captain shyly said. I opened the door further to let both women in.

"Sorry, I thought it would be best to call Leah. She knows everything that happened with Milly and she got on the first flight here." I nodded my head in understanding, that was smart in Keira's behalf.

"Is she asleep?"

"Yeah. She was at the beach surfing and Mami bought us back here. She was just sitting in the shower with boiling water on her, she looked." I had to take a second to compose myself, I would not be crying in front of Leah. "She looked broken."

Keira and Leah just looked at each other. Sharing knowing looks and then Leah spoke up.

"She said she loved you, right? That's what caused this?"


"I think we should all sit down. You need to hear this Alexia."

There were a few things in this world that make me anxious. Meeting my sisters new girlfriends, doing interviews in English, teenage boys and Amelia Higgins.

"Okay so obviously you know the public details of what happened with Emily and her?"


"Emily was going to end things. She had written down on a piece of paper everything she wanted to say. Basically consisted of that she was still in love with Mil. Mil was still her favourite person and that Mil was her soulmate, but Emily wasn't hers."

"Right? Okay?"

"Emily always knew that Mils heart didn't completely belong to her. I think she hoped that over time it would change but it never did. Mil has always loved you."

I didn't say anything. This was a lot to take in, her own friends telling me she has always loved me? What could've happened if I had said something earlier? Ended things with Jenni earlier?

"Ale." Keira grabbed my hands, taking my attention away from ripping my nails off. "She doesn't want to love you because she's scared. After being given the note, she blamed herself. Mil thinks she caused this. She doesn't want anything to happen to you or to your family. If you truly love her like I think you do, you'll need to let her come to you. There's nothing more I want than to see you both happily together but that won't happen unless she comes to you."

"I'll wait for her. I don't care how long it takes but I won't leave her."

We didn't talk after that, the sun started setting and they were talking about ordering food for dinner.

"I think I'm going to go home. I think it'll, uh, it'll be better if I'm not here when she wakes up."

Before Leah or Keira could reply, Amelia yelled out from the bedroom.

"Alexia? Alexia? Fuck ale please come back. I need you to come back." her voice broke, thinking I'd left her when she needed me the most. Running back into the room, I quickly climbed into the bed and pulled her into my chest.

"No amor. I'm here. I'm not leaving you, okay? I'm here." I felt her nod her head against my chest, then her tears slowly wet my shirt. I didn't care about Keira or Leah in the lounge room, all I cared about was Amelia and making sure she felt safe and comfortable.

Leah came in a short while later, letting me know she would be staying in the spare room and to yell out if either of us needed anything. As I lay there with Amelia's head on my chest, her arms wrapped tightly around my waist, and mine around hers, the only thing I could think of is how I could get used to this feeling. Selfish I know but it's the truth.

By 9pm, the house was completely quiet and dark. Everyone was sleeping or enjoying the peaceful evening.

As the sun came through Amelia's bedroom curtains, I felt lighter. Slowly opening my eyes I noticed she wasn't in the room, the side of the bed she slept in was cold, her phone was gone and her favourite hoodie and wetsuit that hung on the back of her door. She was surfing. Of course. Deciding now was the best time to leave and go back to my own house, I quickly made her bed, opened her bedroom window and got the bottles of water to put in the bin.

I had forgotten Leah was there, Keira seemingly had come too.

"Morning capi" Keira handed over coffee.

"Gracias." Inhaling the smell of coffee before taking the first sip.

"Is she awake?" Leah jerked her head towards the door.

"She's surfing." No one said anything for a moment. "I'm gonna go. I'll see you later." Turning quickly , before either could stop me.

I sat in my car contemplating what to do, I thought about messaging Alba, but it was too complicated. Mapi was next, but again, complicated. The only person I truly wanted to talk to was Amelia. But I wasn't sure if she wanted that. Despite the thoughts telling me to leave her alone, I made my way to the beach. Stopping to get her a coffee so she could have it when she got out.

Since it was still early, it was easy to park and find her stuff. I made myself comfortable and waited. I didn't have to wait too long because she had noticed me and started making her way back to the shore.

"I got you a coffee. Caramel latte right?" I asked as I handed it to her.

"Thanks Ale." She sat down, closer to me than usual.

Silence engulfed us.

"So Leah's here huh?" She said more as a question than a statement.

"Yeah. She came last night. Keira rang her apparently and she got on the first flight."

"I don't know how to do this Ale." She whispered, I turned to look at her, confused.

"Do what?"

"Us. It was easier when I lived in England. I didn't have to see you everyday, be close to you, listen to you laugh at something Mapi said or watch you with Vicky and Jana. I could watch you from a distance, love you from a distance. But now? Now I'm here and it's almost too much. It's so-"



"I feel the same way." She rested her head on my shoulder, my arm wrapping around her shoulder.

We stayed like that for a while. It was nice. But it wouldn't last.

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