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Liam (one of Max's dads) has just told Max and the rest of his family that they are going to Canada for a month, in 3 days. Max is 14, James, is 16, Ryan is 17, Liam is 28 (max's fav dad), Lewis is 29.

Max suffers from autism and adhd so isn't sure what he needs to pack and has asked Liam to help him pack for the month long trip. Liam agrees and follows Max to his room with 2 suitcases and a bag for traveling. Max got out all of his cloths and picked out cloths he wanted to wear and Liam packed it nicely into one of 2 suitcases. Once Liam had finished help Max pack, Max went and hugged Liam, Liam embraced it and hugged Max back. While Max was hugging Liam he had started to wet himself. He tried to get up to go and hide and get changed but Liam noticed and just hugged Max and whispered to him "It's going to be ok Max, you can cry into my shoulder if you want to? And I can change you if you would like?" Max nodded and cried into Liam's shoulder.

They stayed there for about 5 minutes until Max stopped crying, Liam went to let go of Max to stand up but Max wasn't letting go. Max spoke up "Dad?" "Yes, Max?" "I want to tell you something but im scared you won't love me anymore." Max said as he started to cry again, "Max i will always love you no matter what." Liam said hugging Max and rubbing his back. "I... I... like baby stuff." Max said though his crying. "What do you mean Max?" Liam asked? "I like baby cloths and want to be treated like one and wear and use nappys" Max replied cautiously. Max looked up to Liam and Liam kissed him on the forehead. "So you want to be a baby again sweetie?" Liam asked, Max Nodded. Liam said "ok shall we get you changed out of theses wet cloths kiddo?" Max nodded and put his thumb in his mouth.

Liam picked Max up and laid him down on his bed and got out a new set of cloths for Max. Max giggled and Liam blew raspberrys on Max's tummy. Once Liam had gotten Max changed he asked Max, "Would you like to spend our trip to Canada as a baby?", Max nodded excitedly. "Lets go shopping then to get you some stuff." Max nodded and put his hands out for Liam to carry him. 

"RYAN, JAMES" Liam shouted, "Im going to the store with Max and Lewis, Would you like anything?" Both of them said no.

Liam, Lewis and Max all got in the car and went to the store. Once they arrived Liam picked Max up and carried him around the store while Lewis pushed the trolley. Liam had spoken to Lewis on the journey to the shop. They went to the baby isle and got 6 boxes of pampers size 8, wipes, powder, rash cream, 6 dummys, 4 bottles, bibs, cloths, nappy bag, car seat and a pushchair, max was incredibly small for his age he could be passed as a 10 year old. Liam let Max pick out some toys and sweets for the journey tomorrow and for the plane trip. He also let max pick out sweets for the other 2 as well. Once they had paid for everything, Liam took a pack of wipes a bottle of power and a nappy to the changing room with Max while Lewis put the car seat in the car.

Liam laid max down on the changing table, max was also incredibly light only weighing about 29kg. Liam changed max really quickly and started to walk out the store to meet Lewis at the car. He had just finished putting the car seat in the car and setting it up. Liam put max in his car seat and gave max a toy and a dummy and sat in the back with him. Lewis then drove home via a Mcdonalds to get lunch. Once they had gotten lunch the headed home and they all sat at the table while Max was sat in liams lap. Lewis and Liam explained to Ryan & James what was going on and what they could do to help max. They both agreed and ate lunch. After lunch both Liam and Lewis needed to pack so they asked Ryan to play with max/look after max in his room which he said sure too. So Ryan picked max up off liam lap and took him to his room where he got out some of max's toys and played with him. Max tried to get up onto his bed but couldn't so looked at Ryan who helped max get onto the bed. Max then hugged ryan.

After a few minutes Max asked he they can watch tv which ryan gave max the remote. Max put on paw patrol while cuddling his new teddy with his new dummy in and snuggled up to Ryan. Ryan had put his arm around his little brother and cuddled him. When liam came in to check he saw that Max was asleep on ryan. Liam whispered do you need anything, to which ryan replied my phone and airpods which liam got for Ryan. Liam then kissed max on the back of his head and kissed ryan on his forehead. Ryan blushed. Ryan slowly moved to a position where max was lying flat with his head on a pillow with Ryan laid down next to him and hugging him. Ryan went on his phone and was messaging his crush who asked him what he was doing and he responded with a Snap of him laying on max's bed with him snuggled up to him. Ryans crushed asked who it was and Ryan replied with, my little brother. Ryan then told his crush that he had a crush on him and as it turns out his crush had a crush on him too. So ryan and his crush Cayden started dating. Liam came in to check and said that they had an extra ticket and had spoken to caydens parents and they said he could come. Ryan was confused on how it had happened and Liam had seen that they were getting along quite well and so could his so they decided. Cayden knew about the trip for ages but couldn't tell Ryan. 

A few minutes later Max woke up and started to cry in which Liam started to get on the bed when Ryan had calmed max down and was cuddling him and making sure he was alright. Liam was astonished at how quickly that had happened and said well that good that he trusts you. Yeah it is. I should probably pack another suitcase for Max with his baby stuff. Hows max's nappy hold? He has soaked throught it. Ill change his nappy and cloths if you want and ill even look after him on trip when you and Lewis want some alone time. Im sure Cayden will be alright with it and max sleeping with us. Cayden loves playing with max anyway. Liam hugged Ryan and said thanks. and gave ryan the changing supplies he will need and 2 nappys and a change of cloths for max and ryan, as max had leaked. Why 2 nappys dad? ryan asked. I thought it be better if you four wear them tomorrow for the journey to the airport and night and the plane journey. Ryan said ok... sceptically, to which ryan said im joking. ryan laughed. Ryan changed max's nappy and cloths. Once he did that he put max to bed to sleep for a bit more. Ryan went to find Liam who was sat in his room. Ryan asked, You know the joke you made a few minutes ago, could i actually do it? Cayden said he would happily change me and check me. Liam said Sure, confused why and asked Ryan if he wanted him to change him into one, Ryan said nah and that he could do it. He went to max's room and got out another nappy and taped one onto himself and then the other and went to Liam in just a t-shirt and the nappys and jumped on him and hugged him. Liam hugged him back and checked how well he did the nappys up. To his suprise he did it very well. Ryan then kissed Liam on the cheek and hugged. Ryan then got up and put some shorts on and headed to max's room to make sure when max wakes up hes alright.

About 3 hours later Max wakes up and Cayden arrives with his bags for the trip. Cayden Lewis and james are sat at the table playing a game while Liam check in on Max and ryan. Liam also checks there nappys to which both are dry. about 5 minutes after Liam leaves Max wakes up and hugs Ryan who kisses him on his forehead. Ryan then picks max up and carrys him downstairs where he sees Cayden and cheers up. Ryan hands max off Lewis who sits him on his lap and helps max play the game while Ryan goes back up to his room which cayden follows. Ryan jumps on his bed and plus his phone in and puts his airpods on charge and seconds later feels someone on top of him kissing him. He knew it was cayden. He got up and shut the door and started to kiss cayden. Ryan got on his bed and cayden got on top of him. Ryan broke off the kiss to tell Cayden something but it was too late cyaden had already seen. Cayden just said Ahh your even cuter in them and kissed again.

An hour later Liam called saying dinner is ready cayden and Ryan made there way downstairs and sat at the table they ate dinner and it was an early night. Liam carried max to his room and changed him. Liam then got 4 more nappys out once max was asleep and put them on Ryans bed. Ryan and cayden went to bed together. Ryan why is there 4 here? Erm idk i put 2 on cuz i didn't want them to leak, at which point Liam said cayden i spoke to your parents and when your away from home you sometimes have accidents so i wanted to be safer then sorry if thats alright, Ryan can change you. Cayden changed ryan and Ryan changed cayden. Both of them went to bed and hugged.

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