Traveling To Canada

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It was 3am the following morning and Liam and Lewis woke up and go ready. Lewis packed the car while Liam went to wake up Ryan, Cayden and James and tell them to get ready for the trip. Liam also gave Ryan 2 nappys to change into, both Ryan and Cayden woke up wet. Liam then told them to be in the car in half an hour. Liam then went into Max's room and slowly woke him up and changed his nappy, and give him a bottle of milk. Max then fell asleep on Liam's shoulder. Soon after Liam had fed max cayden came in asking if he could sit in the front seat for the drive to the airport. Liam said yes and he was actually going to be in the front seat anyway. They all got into the van, Liam put max in his car seat and buckled him in Ryan got in the car and saw a random car seat and asked if he could sit in it, It was a highback toddler seat. Liam sure if you want. James sat on the middle row, while the rest were on the back row. Lewis then locked the house up and made sure that everything was off and locked up. Lewis then reversed the car out of the driveway and there trip to Canada had started. 

About 10 minutes into the journey Ryan and james had fallen asleep, so Liam asked if they could stop by a Costa to get some coffee, both Lewis and Cayden agreed. Luckily the next junction had a Costa so Lewis pulled off and got some coffee. The rest of the drive when rather peacefully apart from the fact that Max had made a mess in his nappy and Ryan's were about to leak, so Liam asked if they could stop at the next services so he could change them both. About 3 and a half hours into the trip to the airport lewis stopped and liam took Ryan and Max to the toilets to change them, 10 minutes later Liam came back to find lewis had brought more coffee for the 3 that were awake. About an hour later they 30 miles away from the airport, London Heathrow Airport, and Max &  Ryan had woken up and were complaining that they were hungry so Lewis stopped at a McDonalds and ordered some breakfast and they all ate. Once they arrived at the airport, 11 am, Max wanted to be carried and max's pushchair was empty so they put there plane bags in the pushchair while the rest of them wheeled there luggage to the Air Canada check in desks, where they checked in there bags and got there boarding passes. Max was supper excited because he loves planes and trains and busses. Once they cleared security it was about 12:30pm, and there flight was at 2pm, so they maid there way over to the gate and they got the gate at 1pm.

At this point both Ryan and Max needed a change, at this point he called for James and Cayden to come with him while Lewis stayed with there bags and seats. Liam changed both max and ryan and asked ryan to keep max entertained, in which ryan did. James and cayden i know this is going to be weird for you but i would like you to wear a nappy on the plane ride please, the plane ride is 13 and a half hours long and there aren't many toilets on the trip, james and cayden sighed and reluctantly agreed so liam changed both James and cayden. They all left and sat down with lewis, there plane was now boarding, so they boarded and got settled on the plane. Liam sat in the middle of Ryan and Max, Lewis sat behind them with cyaden and james either side of them. Max was super excited at this point and was talking all sorts of airplane facts and at which the point the flight attendant said to us to wait behind at the end of the flight as they have a surprise for us, and that they would come get Max and Liam half way through the flight.

The plane took off and the lights turned off and everyone shut the blinds, Ryan had already fallen asleep and Max was about to when the flight attendant came over to them and told max and Liam to follow him, Liam told lewis to watch ryan. The flight attendant took Liam and Max to the cockpit of the plane where the pilots let them in and max got to see all the flight controls and got to see how they flew the plane and the captain gave him a captains stripe sticker and gave max a high five. Max then asked if they can have a photo in which the captain said yes so Max, Liam, The captain, First Officer and the other 2 pilots were all in the picture as the flight attendant took the photo. Max then asked if he could fly the plane the captain said he can sit on his lap and turn the plane to the left, which max happily agreed with and followed the captains movements. He was so happy about this. Max & Liam said goodbye and went back to there seats, where liam explained what happened to Lewis who was supper happy for max. Ryan, James and cayden were asleep and max was starting to drift off to sleep too, Max couldn't get comfy so Liam gave him is dummy and teddy and let him sleep on him. Max soon drifted off to sleep. 

About 10 hours into the flight the lights turned on and they came round with dinner service. Max was still fast asleep and wasn't show any signs of waking up soon, the flight attendant came around and gave us our food and asked us how the flight was so far and Liam responded good and the flight attendant asked what they wanted so they gave them there food and then they asked what Max wanted to which liam said i don't think he will wake up anytime soon, hes really tired after being so excited, plus hes a really picky eater so ill probs just give him a bottle of milk or something, to which the flight attendant responded with alright let me know if you want it warming up, Liam smilled and thanked him. About 30 minutes later max woke up just after Liam had finished eating, so liam got up and walked to the back of the plane where one of 4 galleys was and saw the same flight attendant who saw max had woken up, and started talking to max, liam then asked if he could warm up max's bottle to which he did and gave max a high five and liam and max went back to there seats. Liam laid max accross his lap and fed him his bottle and check his nappy, he was wet but could wait till they got off the plane, same with Ryan and cayden, where as james was dry. The plane laded 1 and a half hours later and local time was 10:30pm, they waited till everyone got off the plane and started to deboard and the pilot gave max a special card which had all the cabin crews and pilots signatures on it and had a pilot badge for max, max thanked them all and they waved goodbye, Liam got the pilots and flight attendants number and asked them if they were flying there flight in a months time they didn't know but they would try too. 

Once they were off the plane Liam & Lewis took all the kids to get changed and put max, Ryan and cayden into new ones and headed to passport control where they were fast tracked as the pilot had given them a fast track pass so they could get to the hotel quicker and head to bed. About half an hour later they made it through and got there bags, Lewis went off to get there rental car, while liam stayed with there luggage and the kids. Ryan was starting to get tired so Liam let him sit in the pushchair while Cayden and james sat on some of the suitcases and Max was sat on Liams lap on the bench. Lewis came back 30 mins later with a minivan, Lewis got Max's and ryans new car seats in the car and Liam got them in the car and they were both asleep instantly. Liam then helped lewis put the suitcases in the boot and james sat in the middle seat again while Cayden sat in the front seat again and helped Lewis navigate to the hotel, when they got to the hotel with all the traffic it was 2:30am, Lewis checked into the hotel and asked if some of the staff could help them with the suitcases, they said yes and brung a trolley out where they loaded in the 15 suitcases and the 7 travel bags, and took the trolley to our room where Liam had carried ryan and max up there while cayden and James followed Cayden opened the door and let them in with the bags and they started to put them on the floor for us while Lewis parked the car in the carpark under the hotel. Lewis then came to join the rest of them in there room where the hotel staff were just leaving he thanked them and gave them a $50 tip each. 

Liam then change Max, Ryan and cayden again and told cayden and james to head to bed, and put ryan in caydens bed with cayden where cayden hugged him and kissed him on his forehead, and ryan laid max down in the crib by the wall in Liams and Lewis's room, Liam and lewis then went to bed. They were all really tired and went to sleep almost instantly becuase they had been traveling for about 32 hours. 

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