Road Trip Pt.1

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It was 9 am the following morning when Liam woke up to a certain someone getting on top of him. Morning max , liam spoke up as he hugged max. Max looked up and smiled. Liam the stood up with max hugging him and headed to the living room where he saw james sitting there watching tv. Liam then went over to the kitchen and ordered room service to the room so they no mess to clean up. Liam sat max down on the floor and gave him his favourite teddy. He heard lewis in the shower so he went to go and wake Ryan and cyaden up. He walked in quietly and changed cayden into a nappy and put a pull up on over top of it. He then left the changing stuff and left 2 nappys for ryan to be changed into to. He then woke cayden up and told him to change ryan and wake him up and after he had changed his cloths and liam explained to him that he had already changed him. Cyaden then changed ryan and woke him up.

An hour later they had all eaten breakfast and was in the car. Lewis started the 24hr road trip to Winnipeg. About 3 hours into the road trip Max started to complain of stomach pain and was getting restless and was crying lots so Lewis pulled the car over and liam got max out the car to calm him down and see what was wrong with him. As it turns out max had gotten food poisoning from some food he has eaten over the past few weeks. Liam then found a toilet to get max changed in and gave him some pain killers and a bottle of milk and he went to sleep for a good few hours. He slept for so long that he slept through lunch and had just woken up as they were pulling up to Pizza hut for dinner. Liam picked max up out of his car seat and took him into the restaurant. Liam took max and cayden to the bathroom to get changed. Once Liam had changed both of them, he carried Max to the table and walked cayden to the table. Cayden sat down and liam sat next to him and sat max on the other side of him. Max cried and wanted to be sat on Liams lap. Liam sat max on his lap and ordered max's favourite pizza, BBQ Americano, they also ordered a pepperoni and a plain pizza. max and liam ate the BBQ pizza, Cayden and Ryan shared the Pepperoni while James and lewis shared the plain pizza. After they finished eating the headed back to there car and drove to the hotel down the road. Once they arrived at the hotel, Lewis took James & ryan to bed. Lewis had to change ryan into a new nappy along with james. Once he had changed them he put james to bed and put ryan to bed. Liam changed Max & Cayden and put cayden to bed with ryan and max slept with Liam and lewis.

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