Chapter 2 Proper Slave

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Silver was awakened by the soft light of the sun at dawn. She can see a mote of dust illuminated by the light passing through the gaps on the wall made of woven grasses. 

It took her quite a while to return to her senses while slowly sitting up from her sleeping position the night before. Patting and fixing her meager clothing that was messed up when she was asleep.

Looking at her side without seeing her mother. She had a great sleep unbothered by her mother's waking movements sometime earlier than herself. 

Silver then collects the fur used as cover and the hide for the bedding. She folded them properly and placed them by the top of the layered hay that made their bed. 

After this, she reaches out the flap that serves as the door of their hut. Pushing it aside and feeling the cool morning breeze, looking out she can see her mother already preparing a simple breakfast. 

"You're awake! Come here, food is ready." Listening to her mother's words. Silver immediately left the hut while wearing her footwear and trotted towards the wooded stop that serves as their table. As she sits and reaches out for the bowl of soup she hears her mother.

 "Today is your coming of age. you've grown and are already an adult." She heard her mother's affirmative sentence that allowed her to remember that today was her birth date.

This means that she is already mature enough to conceive a child. In this tribe and wild lands, this means either finding a mate herself or waiting to be designated to available young men of age. 

This idea makes her grimace. Leaving her mood unpleasant even with the bitter soup warming her stomach. 

"By the way, whatever the process of finding a mate is. Slaves like myself must undergo a tradition of the tribe." Silver thought. 

The tradition was inherited and practiced by these bastards of the serpent tribe. They adopt a training system for a slave before legally having a partner. Although the practical training was already being practiced with the older slaves teaching younger ones since childhood. So the meeting is only more of a teaching lesson rather than a practical performance 

To make the slave a proper reproductive tool and wife to the man they partnered with. Being taught several ways to stimulate men's desire for reproduction as well as some tribal ways of fertility. That is a process of reinforcing the slave etiquette if ever the slave will be a legal mate or wife as part of the tribe or just a venting tool or mate for the men. 

This is a nauseating idea. As Silver rolls her eyes and frowns. Leaving her no appetite to have seconds of the soup. But has no other choice but to participate since she also hopes for a chance of changing her life. 

"After you finish eating, go with the other female slaves to Elder Eti at her hut located at the edge of the tribe near the forest." Said her mother after she put down the bowl she used. This makes Silver out of her thinking. 

"Do you still remember where?" Asked her mother, looking at her with an implied questioning look. 

"Yes, mom. Just by the bamboo grove at the edge of the settlement. It is nearby and I can't get lost. And if anything happens I can just follow the crowd going there. '' Silver replied to the question while recalling the path to the said destination. The bamboo and forest are close to the mountainside and are always passed by during food gathering. 

"By the way Mom. How many will go? I don't think there are many of my age?" She asked her mother. 

"I'm not sure. But not more than 30 I believe. Fewer than last year's number. Most females are still underage. And by count, there will be more next year." Answered her mother while already packing used utensils for cleaning. 

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