Chapter 3 Camping

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It is two days before the mate selection. And Silver is on her journey to make the most of her two-day vacation.  

With a basket made of bamboo and hide containing her clothing, some food, and tools packaged for the trip. She bears its weight like a backpack.

Silver can be seen strolling around the path bypassing the forest and into the plains. Striking the grasses along the way with a long stick to scare hidden insects and animals. 

Her destination is on the back mountain plain. There is the location she chose from her memory to set up the camp. Just barely out of the forest coverage and by the hill before the canyon. 

The place was a flat land with a blackened stump that was left after the tree was struck by lightning years ago, as she was told. 

Anyway, the place is good enough with enough land to set the camp and safe enough with little patches of grass that won't be able to hide poisonous insects and snakes. 

A few minutes later right before leaving the forest trail. Silver can already see her destination just a little off track to the right side of the path they usually used during gathering resources at this grassland. 

Albeit some taller grasses and dried leaves are different from memory nothing much has changed. Just right for her two-day camping trip. 

"It's great here. I love the breeze with a little mix of grassy and damp scent." As Silver breathes, the morning breeze is still damp since it's only dawn. And the sun has not risen much yet. 

Having arrived by the blackened stump. Silver put down her baggage and stretched her limbs. She looked around the place to find the spot to build her tent. 

Not much is present, just patches of grass and rotting leaves. "Easy to clean." Silver said to herself while already squatting to pull some grasses and pushed some of that rotten leaves out the way of her selected place. 

After having enough space. Silver then picks up the branches of equal length and quite sturdy that she brought along the way out of the forest. Her tent doesn't need too much effort to build since it just needs to be enough shelter for two days. 

After taking at least 20 minutes setting up her conical tent draped with large enough hide. Silver took a long breath while wiping her forehead sweat by the back of her arm. Careful of the mud on her fingers up to the wrist. 

"That's it. This tent should be enough for shelter." Said Silver as she visually inspected her hard work while shaking off the dirt in her hands. She then proceeded to pick up the hide, from her baggage, which she will use as the bed and spread over the soil within the tent. Then casually placed her fur blanket above inside. 

"Done. Now that I set the tent. Let's grab some dried branches and hay. Let's prepare more as fuel for my campfire." As she stands up and glances at the surroundings. While walking and occasionally bending to pick up dried branches and hay. Silver reviewed her mental list of activities planned. 

Although there is no new terrain to explore. She plans to have an adventure closer to the Demon's Maw. Since that place is the only location not interfered with by the tribe and less visited. 

The place is only about 20 meters on all sides around the entrance. Still it offers new sightings to her to explore and maybe peering a little inside the Demon's Maw for some excitement. But going inside the place isn't on her list. Not at the moment anyway. 

Back at camp. Silver threw down all the things she carried. "This is enough for cooking and will last enough for a night's fuel." She thought while mentally counting the required amount. Camp fires are for cooking, heating and protection from insects and animals. 

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