Chapter 4 Convergence

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"Gasping..." Rapid breathing.

"Haaah... haa...haaahh...." 

" Ahhhhhhhh..!!!" 

A sharp piercing cry reverberates from within a solitary tent by a wilderness. 

Disturbing several resting flock of birds and insect nests. Which coerces them to fly in a frightened state. 

"Gasp." Silver's rapid breathing as she jolted from her sleep. Abruptly sitting up as she woke from an evident nightmare. 

Covered with sweat that makes her body and bed damp. Obviously the experience had been awhile. 

Time in dreams doesn't flow the same as reality.  It took silver awhile to come to her senses. Slowly gaining control of her breathing as she calms herself. 

"Just a dream. It's just a bad dream." She repeatedly tells herself.  As she shakes her head and blinks her eyes. 

Having a dream of being eaten and digested by a monster and by the end of it. Learning that she is the monster that ate her. 

"What a nasty nightmare." Silver said in wonder and fear of the unbelievable event. 

"This dream came out of nowhere. To think of dreaming a gigantic snake. I don't even have fear of the slithering animal." Silver whispered, confused as to what caused her to dream of such fantasy. 

However, Silver remained seated within her tent. 

What she couldn't perceive was that. 

After the sound of frightened animals. 

There is another sound in her surroundings.

Just like the places were casted with silence. 

And leaving only the sound of her breathing and her voice. 

Concurrently, surrounding her tent were hundreds of different kinds of snakes, small and large, venomous or not, standing upright with their heads pointing to her direction and with their round or vertical slitted eyes stare with unmoving focus.

Staying still akin to sculptures offering their pious faith and devoting their flesh and blood as tributes.

And in the eyes of snakes, there is no tent and humans at the place they worship. 

What is reflected in their inhuman eyes is but a scale of human proportion. 

A single scale that commands them and demands their obedience. 

No snake understands how or thinks why this is. 

It's instinct that tells them to serve the superior existence they laid eyes on.

A call flowing from their hearts as it beats their cold blood. 

And from an even deeper part of their souls.

Silver remains breathing calmly as she thinks for a while and sorting out her thoughts.  

Gaining nothing from the examination of yesterday's experience may have led to the dream.

She decided to get up and go out of the tent. 

As Silver pushed the hide that functions as passage to step out and welcome the morning breeze.

She didn't know that hundreds of snakes move at the same time. 

Slithering and going their own way. 

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