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A noisy buzzing noise shook me out of the nightmare. I sat straight in my bed, panting heavily. I was back in my room, rather than drowning in an endless body of water.

"Roll call!" Hayward's voice sounded from the intercom. "You have three minutes to change into your uniforms and report outside your room doors! General Murray will check the girls, and I will check the boys!"

I shakily got out of my bed and reached for my uniform, still dazed from the nightmare from last night. There wasn't much time to think about it as I slipped on my uniform and opened the door. I looked down the hallway to see a few more guys exiting their rooms that were very spread out from each other, all looking as confused and nervous as I was.

"Is this really it?" someone asked, giving me a terrified expression. "Is this the rest of our lives?"

I pursued my lips and matched his expression. "It won't be. I'm scared too, but it won't be."

"H-How do you know?"

The boy was no older than me and of foreign descent. His accent was rough as if this wasn't his first language. He had long black hair that almost covered his eyes. I noticed Hayward coming from the other end of the hallway. "We'll talk later. Stand still."

Hayward began inspecting every person who stood outside their rooms. He'd take around five seconds to see if anything was out of place. Walking up to the boy, he furrowed his eyebrows and pointed to his feet.

"Where are your shoes?"

Looking down at his feet, his eyes widened, stuttering over his words. He was only wearing his socks. "I-I..."

"Answer the question, Javier," Hayward spoke threateningly, looming over the shorter boy.

He started shaking so badly that I thought he'd have an accident in his uniform. Hayward gave him a few more seconds before reeling back and punching him in the stomach with full force. Javier grunted loudly from the impact and crashed against the door, slowly sliding to his rear. He heaved from the lack of oxygen and began coughing violently. Fear shot through me.

"Answer the question!" Hayward demanded.

Javier coughed a few more times before looking up at him. "I-In my room."

"Why the hell aren't they on your feet!?"

"I-I wasn't sure...I don't know..."

Hayward planted his foot on his forehead and shoved his head against the door, making a cringe sound as it connected. "Spit it out. You're wasting my time."

"I don't know how to tie my shoes."

Hayward stared at him in disbelief before breaking into laughter. It lasted for what felt like forever. "You don't know how to tie your shoes? How have you been getting around then, Eta?"

Eta? These names were getting more confusing each time he used them. Did he have a name for every person that was here?


He shook his head, seemingly disappointed in him and crouched down to his level. "I suggest you learn how to tie your shoes before this evening. I don't think you'll be able to survive what we're going to put you through. Go put your shoes on."

Hayward backed off, but Javier was still too scared to move. The Supreme Leader reached for his holstered gun. "Do I need to tell you again?"

"N-No, sir!" he said, scrambling to his feet and opening his door. Javier quickly returned with his untied shoes on his feet.

Hayward shook his head and turned his attention to me. He quickly scanned me for anything that could've been wrong. Nodding he stepped forward and put a firm hand on my shoulder.

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