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Emily remembered that a mile around a track was four laps, though she knew some track lengths varied. She didn't push herself too much at the beginning, but her mind continuously told her that if she wanted security that she wouldn't be in trouble, trying to secure a decent place was necessary. 

However, it had been a few months since she ran a mile. Playing volleyball didn't require being tested for anything more than strength and agility. During the offseason, being last summer, they focused more on cardio. That was the last time she and the athletic girls even stepped on the track at school. 

Emily kept a good pace, staying in third place behind two other girls. The first-place runner would surely be gassed after the first lap. She was way ahead of the group by about thirty or forty meters. From what Emily was taught, it was a good strategy not to burn too much energy at the beginning of the race. The concept was to start strong to secure a good position against the other runners and keep a steady pace throughout most of the race while maintaining your energy for the end, where you push to score first place. It wasn't only about who was the fastest, but who could preserve the most energy throughout the race and push themselves the most at the end. 

She focused on steady breathing, staying close behind the second-place runner as they neared the second curve. Despite trying to keep a clear head, Emily's mind raced with multiple questions. What would happen to whoever came in last place? Would Murray or Hayward do something horrible to them, like how Hayward almost shot Taryn yesterday? He didn't kill her, but all he had to do was aim a bit to the left. 

Hayward had them wrapped around his fat fingers. What pissed Emily off the most was that there was nothing she could do about it except do what she was told to the best of her ability. She had no choice but to live in fear of not being good enough. Refusing to listen or to cooperate would lead to her death. Emily couldn't fathom the ideas that Hayward would come up with to kill her. 

She crossed the starting line, officially a quarter of the way done with the race. The girl in first place was beginning to lose some steam but still managed to hold her position. As she cleared the first curve, she saw that Savannah was just now entering the last stretch of the lap. It was difficult to tell from afar, but Emily wasn't sure she'd have the energy to push through the remainder of the race. It terrified her to think of what might happen if she couldn't finish.

Emily pursed her lips and forced herself to focus on what she needed to do, but it was significantly easier said than done. The present scenario alone was enough to make any normal person quiver with fear, but adding on an exercise that you needed to be in great physical shape for with a hypothetical gun pushed against the back of your head was far greater. Emily had a lot to live for, including her family and the plans she had for the future. She wanted to live to see all of that. 

Therefore, she needed to try her best for herself, her family, Eli, and her future. 

She wondered how Eli was doing. He and the boys were in the weight room, so there was no telling what the Supreme Leader was putting them through. Emily internally told herself that he was strong enough to push through whatever activities were taking place. Something that she admired about Eli was his determination and his willingness to endeavor adversity. 

Shortly after passing the girl in third, Emily crossed the starting line for the second time, now halfway through the race. She exhaled sharply, determined to finish strong. A quick feeling of nervousness grew as she thought about not having enough energy to complete the race with good placement, but Emily knew that she had to try. She couldn't give up just yet.

On the next lap, Emily focused on pacing herself rather than passing the people ahead of her. She figured saving as much energy as possible for the last lap was wise. It was hard not to speed up to finish the lap faster, but Emily willed herself to run at a consistent pace. 

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