||Chapter 3||

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-3 Weeks later-

Everything seemed great I met Edward and Bella at first Edward didn't trust me around Bella but Carlisle explained to him, that I've been learning to control my thirst but everywhere I go everyone just watch my every move, and honestly it gets tiring.

I found out that Bella knows Jacob from childhood no wonder he cares about her plus I can tell that his feelings are deeper than how she feels for him.

I was learning more about being a vampire and also while no one is watching me I secretly learn more about hybrids. I learned that most of the hybrid's went extinct, there were no reports of them and no one has seen them for centuries.

I went to Jacob secretly to see if he if his pack knew any stories of them or if they've crossed paths with one, I was honestly so nervous to ask him this. I was relieved to hear that he has heard about them from his father, Jacob said him and I could maybe ask him about hybrids and maybe he could tell us some of the stories.

"Do they not know that you're a werewolf?" Jacob asked I looked down and shook my head "No, they don't expect from Rosalie, I don't want them to know until I know for sure if I'm still part werewolf." I finished saying looking back up and face Jacob and he nods "Yeah, I understand that, your secret is safe with me." He says nudging my shoulder and looked at him and smiled.

"I got to go Jake, Esme and Rosalie and Alice are taking me shopping today." I said

"Do you think it's a little to early for that, What if you lose control?" He says hearing the concern in his voice and I honestly like this feeling, Jacob is like a brother that I never had someone to care for me and worry about the decision's I'm making, but if there is anyone who could always be by my side I know that he is there for me.

"Don't worry Jake I'll be fine and if something happens I got the Cullen's they are all going, well expect for Edward because he is with Bella." I said to him "Just promise me if you ever need someone I'm here for you y/n." He says hugging me and I nod and break away from the hug "I know Jake, thanks." I said before leaving.

As I walking back to the Cullen's house, I was thinking how things with the Cullen's were going well, though Alice has been distancing herself from me and I don't why plus she's always with jasper which honestly still hurts seeing them together. I don't know why but I still have these strange feelings for Jasper and I thought they would go away but they haven't, maybe I have feelings for Jasper. No I can't he's with Alice, but with the things I feel when he's near it feels like I don't want him to leave, I want him and I want to feel what's it's like to be with him, but I can't because he's with Alice.

But Rosalie and I became friends very quickly, well she was hesitant at first but I showed her that she could trust me and she believed me, but she didn't like that I was friends with Jacob, though she respected my feelings but every now and then she would have sky comments about him, she's calls him dog but I told her that if he were to ever come her she would have to be a little nice to him she doesn't like the idea but she ultimately agreed.

Rosalie was one of the first people to know where I came from and who I was and that I was a shapeshifer, and I'm trying to figure out if I could still be one and I needed help, she laughed at first but then she saw that I wasn't joking, she said that she would help and keep this a secret. And after that we became even closer and I knew I could trust if I needed her.

And then there's Jasper, me and him here and there but I just feel like he is distancing himself like he didn't want to be friends or talk to me or it feels like he doesn't trust me half the time. When I'm with Jacob he gets upset like somewhat worried but I can't ever understand him and I I wish he could tell me how he feels and why he's always upset with me and Jacob hanging out. When I try talking to him about it he just disappears off to somewhere God who knows and yet I still worry for him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04 ⏰

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