Chapter I

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Hey everyone I'm so this is a redo of my FanFiction that I'm currently making I got logged out of my old wattpad account and it made me a new one so I started over but I hope you enjoy this I did add a few new parts but it's a very long chapter but I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Birds flying away from the trees, I closed eyes and breathe in the air it was warm and thick.

The sun was shining through the trees, I feel free just being in the woods alone and in my Wolf form but all I could think about running away from my life, from my family, from a marriage I don't want.

All I could think about was I wish I could run away or find love like normal people but of course I'm not normal no one I know is normal.

My family won't tell me who the faceless man I will be marrying, and I won't know until the engagement party. My parents only care about the power and the the bloodline and I honestly don't care about the bloodline.

I walked up to a Cliff and once I turned back into my human form, I come up here whenever I feel the need to get away from everyone and everything.

Just wish to runaway from all the power, the bloodline, and my family…

Everytime I'm up the cliff I feel at peace and comfort, it's just somewhere I can be myself from everyone and I honestly just don't feel like I belong here.

I just feel like an outcast to my own people and to my my own family.

After a few hours passed I decided that it was time for me to go back home, I don't know if should I even call it home. Once I arrived, I enter  the house and I could chattering in the main living area.

As I walked in the living area and I could see a man and a woman, and also with them is a girl that looks around my age.

I looked to see my so called parents that are marrying me off just  for status, and then I realized that the man and woman are the groom's parent's and I assume the girl with them is their daughter.

“What’s going on here?” I asked and everyone stops talking and looks at me.

“Y/n you're home we were wondering when you were coming back.” My mother says while she smiles back to the woman and man and I could feel their eyes on me.

My father straightened up his posture and my mother looks down and looks back up and clears her throat. “Y/n I'm so glad you're here, we were just talking about your wedding.”  My mother said I scoffed and looked at everyone.

“Oh you mean the wedding that I don't want, the one that I'm forced into with that one?” after I said that I heard a little laugh and I see that it's the woman and man daughter, as I noticed the woman looking at the girl she holds her laughter.

“I'm sorry about our daughter Mary.” The woman says looking at my mother and father, my father didn't at all look pleased with my reply or attitude towards the wedding.

“Y/n!” My father yelled, I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes and my mother just looked at the groom's parent's and gave them a fake smile to hide her embarrassment.

As I looked at the girl before walking away to the library.

As minutes passed my father came in angry in with my mother following him looking displeased.

“How could you say that?!” “Do know how much is at stake is here!” I just rolled my eyes. My father slapped me and I'm not surprised he didn't say sorry he never is when it comes to his temper.

“This the future here, your future so don't mess it up, you want this don't you?” He says

I huffed and looked at both of my parents. “No this is y'all want this, you both want this!” I said with my voice raised.

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