𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖔𝖓𝖊: 𝕱𝖔𝖗𝖙𝖚𝖓𝖊 𝖙𝖊𝖑𝖑𝖊𝖗 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖕𝖗𝖔𝖙𝖔𝖙𝖞𝖕𝖊 𝖜𝖊𝖓𝖉𝖎𝖌𝖔

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Cali sigh as she look at her fellow crew, chasing each other around. Kai was using Eclipse as a shield to protect himself while Sanders being hold back eclipse's twin sister, Celestial, holding him in the air.

"how annoying." Bela said with a scowl on her face making Cali chuckle." oh dont mind them Bela. After, circus is meant to be crazy, wild like free, and noise." Cali said as Bela look at her before crossing her arms and look away." Wild like free. . . .but never will be free." Bela mumble making Cali's smile almost fell but still keep smiling.

Then everyone stop when a scientist calm walking in, making Sandars stop squirming on Celestial hands and tense up upon seeing the scientist." Experiment 300, come with me." the scientist said making everyone tense up. But Cali still have a smile on her face and decided to follow them, Reassuring her crew that she will be fine.

As the scientist leads cali to the lab, she couldn't help it but glared at the othe other scientist around her before she was lead into the lab." Alright, time for you to meet your newest member to your crew." the scientist said as they entered the room. Before the scientist could open the door, the door slammed opened, hitting the scientist on the face, knocking him unconscious. Cali stared before a robotic mascot appeared before her.

"Hello! you must be experiement 300! nice to meet you!" Cali stared at the robot mascot, relief that they didnt used children for experiments." please call me Cali. . .and you are???" she asked while smiling (a/n: something like how alastor always have a smile on his face.).

"Well, Im Fortune Teller Arisa! n-n-nice to meet you!" Arisa introduced, stretching her long robotic arms to shake cali's hand, laughing as her voice box glitch a bit." Lovely to meet you Arisa. I suppose you are one of the new member of my circus crew am i correct??" Cali asked making Arisa laugh.

"of course. After all, i know you and the other crew as well so no need to tell me." Arisa said, laughing as she stretching her extended limbs around Cali." Were gonna have so much fun! but first let's meet our other new member as well!" Arisa said before jumping in front of Cali." now where's that scientist? probably he runs away hahahaha" Arisa laugh, before Cali look over the door.

"I believe you have knock the human out after slamming the door wide." Cali pointed out, having amused smile on her face. Arisa look at the still unconscious scientist." Oh, Whoopsie hahahahahah!" Arisa laughed making Cali smiled in amusement." Well, lets wait for our. . . . .escort to wake up." Cali said as she place both of her hands behind her." ooh, good idea" Arisa said laughing as she stood beside her.

After few minutes, the scientist woke up, groaning before yelping when he saw 7'5 ft. toy and robot mascot smiling down at him, creepily." well, looks like sleepy beauty is awake." Arisa said laughing as she launch herself on Cali's shoulder, who start smiling widely.

" Now, perhaps you should guide us to meet the other one." Cali began, tilting her head to side as Arisa giggle. "Y-yes! uh. . . follow me then." Scientist scramble to get up and lead the way, walking faster. Cali's grin widen while Arisa glitchy laugh as Cali followed poor terrified scientist while Arisa somehow feels comfortable sitting on Cali's shoulder.

After walking long none stop walk, they arrived. Cali and Arisa watch the frantic scientists run around as red lights blaring inside of the lab cell. Cali's grin widen a little when she saw blood splattered against the glass window." Ooh! that a pretty color~" Arisa said as she lean forward, balancing herself on Cali's shoulder.

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