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Chapter 1

10 years ago.........

I look out onto the city of Asgard. It was beautiful this time of year. Spring had beautiful flowers gleaming everywhere that made the gold of the city emerge from the other bland colors

Today was a significant day, the day of my crowning. I was the oldest, Thor and Loki had followed me, yet much younger. Neither of them had ever met my twin sister.

Many people had not met her, for she had been banished to hell by my father. I had vowed to my father to never tell anyone about Hela. But every time I looked at Loki, I saw Hela in him. OF course that was not good at all.

Hela was an evil demon who seeked destruction to our whole realm. I just wished Loki would not end up like her. Thor on the other hand, he reminds me of myself. He has the same blond hair and blue eyes that pop with joy whenever we are focused.

I hear a knock on the door as I flip my head and see Loki waiting at the door with a smile on his face.

"Will the queen like to go for a walk with me?" He says bowing and putting his hand out as I laugh and walk up to him and take his pale hand.

"Of course, and I am not queen yet, not till this afternoon." I say as we walk down the hallway of our castle.

"Well I am just practicing, for what I will have to call you. Your Majesty." He says bowing as we walk as I shake my head.

"OF course you peasant, go catch me some wine and bread." I say as we stop acting and I chuckle.

"Where are we going Loki?" I ask as we walk out of the castle and onto the street where many people were waving and I was waving back.

"The bifrost, I need somewhere private to talk." He says as I am confused but follows him through the street.

"So, are you scared to be queen Sara?" Loki asks me saying my nickname instead of Serenity.

"Sorta, I mean I have been waiting for this opportunity for hundreds of years. But it is a lot of responsibility, you know?" I ask as he nods and we walk into a stable with horses we can ride across the bridge.

"Ya, if I were you I would break under the pressure you know? It's just so much to deal with." He says picking out two horses for us to bring.

"Ya well I am about 500 years older than you, I would know how to deal with too much pressure." I say smiling as we get onto our horses.

We were silent on our ride down the rainbow bridge, the wind was too loud for us to hear each other talking anyway. When we make it there we are met by Hemdall who looked like he was waiting for us.

"Hello Hemdall, can you send us to Midguard, we would like to talk in private." Loki says as Hemdall looks confused but eventually nods.

He puts his sword into the bifrost key. The building shifts as the bifrost powers up quickly.

"Just remember to bring her back in time for the coronation." He says as Loki nods, smiling.

We put our arms around each other's shoulders as we blast off through a rainbow tunnel that leads to Midgard.

We land as I look down seeing the imprint of the bifrost on the ground. I look up at Loki now who was looking around at our surroundings.

"So why did this need to be so private and why are we on Midgard for it?" I ask as Loki turns back to me.

"2 reasons but let me tell you my urgent matter. I am going to be king." He says seriously as I laugh thinking he was joking.

"That was funny Loki, thanks for that laugh." I say as I look back up and see his serious face. "You weren't joking?" I ask as he shakes his head.

"I am going to be king, I deserve it." He says as I shake my head kindly trying to say it nicely.

"You can't be king Loki, for you are the youngest sibling." I tell him as he shakes his head.

"You know, I can be. Once I get you out of the way." He says as I look at him confused but also worried of what he ment.

"So the 2 reasons I brought you here to earth is for no one to be suspicious, I will just tell them you fell off the side of Asgard. And you get your powers from Asgard you are getting weaker by the second. That is why I have been stalking." He says pacing before hitting me in the stomach with a powerful punch which I stumbled back from.

"Loki? What are you doing?" I ask, trying to recover and confront him but he kicks me, sending me to the ground.

"I am becoming king, I am just getting rid of an obstacle." He says kicking me across the face as I realize he is being for real.

I flip over and sweep his legs standing up above him as he is now lying on the ground. But he was still smiling.

"You know you can't beat me in a battle Loki, I'm talking you back to Asgard." I say looking up to call Hemdall as I hear Loki laugh.

"I know I can't beat you, that's why I have this." He says sending a bright green light towards my face as my brain goes blank and I stumble back.

"Hello, do you know your name?" A guy with black hair, green hair, and a crazy outfit asks me as I push him off of me and stumble back not remembering anything about everything.

"Who, who are you? Who who am I?" I ask, looking at my hands as he walks up to me looking kind.

"Your Sara, and this is going to sound weird but I have to go, bye." He calls for something called Heimdall and he suddenly goes up into the sky with light all around him.

Present Day

I pour myself a cup of coffee while looking out the window into the vast morning shadow hovering over the city of New York. It was too early to be up, the sun was hardly up, it was only 6 a.m.

I look at my phone, wishing for another mission, I hadn't been on one for like 2 months. Sure I don't do much but I get to hang out with Clint. Clint helps S.H.I.E.L.D. with his bow and arrow skills. We are both kinda weapons they only use when someone needs to be stopped.

I know a lot about Clint, we are super close. When I first lost my memory he was there in charge of overlooking me. He helped me figure out what my powers were and I found out he had a family that he kept off the radar.

As I said before he helped me figure out how to use my powers. I had 5 of them to be exact.

I have teleportation where I can go short distances in battle to dodge people trying to kill me.

I can read minds by putting my hands on peoples temples, which is how I found out about Clint's family.

I could stop my foot and change into another outfit, it's like changing my appearance.

I had some kind of super strength that made me naturally stronger than the average human.

And the last one is still being tested and discovered, I can make things appear out of thin air. But only weapons are things I can use in battle against enemies.

Discovering all these powers has set me apart from others. I never knew where I came from. But Agent Colson told me that I was an experiment gone wrong, I had lost my memory in the process but also gained powers.

I trust Colson, he is like a father figure in my life, and Clint is like a brother. It helps replace the family that I forgot or maybe didn;t even have.

I shake that thought out of my head as I put my empty coffee cup in the sink. I needed to be productive on the day if I didn't have a mission.

With that I got in the shower, I got dressed in a nice pair of pants and shirt. I did my makeup and skincare, I brushed my teeth, and I went down the elevator to the lobby.

My apartment complex felt more like a Hotel, it had a cafe, restaurant and bar, a pool, games, and very nice employees. I decide to walk up to the cafe where I usually go as I see Luke waiting for me.

The lost sister ( Serenity Odinson )Where stories live. Discover now