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"I told you Luke." Tony says walking past me and up to Luke who was staring at me baffled.

"Luke, this is Sara. You guys know each other she works for S.H.I.E.L.D. I have told you about them, right?" Tony asks as his head goes up and down once.

"Look Luke I didn't want you to find out this way ok, it's just, can we talk about this later?" I ask walking up to him holding his face as he pushes my hand off shaking his head.

"No, we are going to talk about this. Why did you lie to me?" he asks as I walk up to the table he was at.

"I lied to protect you, to keep you off of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s radar." I say as Tony laughs in the corner.

"Well you just said and I quote, no one lies to protect you they lie to make a person think their life is great when really there is a mystery they never knew about." Tony says as I death stare at him.

"Do not quote my words Tony." I say as Luke looks at me baffled I just called him by his first name.

"Look Luke not just to protect you from S.H,I.E,L.D to protect you from myself." I say as he stares at me confused.

"What do you mean by yourself? What about you would I need to be protected from?" he asks as I sigh.

"Luke, I have powers like superpowers, they are dangerous." I say as he laughs.

"That was funny Sara, that was funny." he says as I look at Stark and he nods.

I use my bare hand to break the table and then I send a knife across the wall as it lands right next to Tony's ear.

"Wow, what just happened?" he asks in shock as I smile at him.

"And another bomb to drop, I am pretty sure I am from space and don't remember any of my past life." I say slightly smiling as Luke frowns

"Hey hey, it's ok. Really. Go figure this out and then come back to me." He says as I sniff and nod

"Well back to me, being mad, I need to go to New Mexico, do you have a jet Stark?" I ask as he laughs.

"Do I have a jet? Oh please, go use them all on the roof." he says as I smile and hug him thanking him before running out and up to the roof.

I find a small jet and jump in the pilot's seat and find the keys sitting in the ambition waiting for me. I turn them as the engine turns on and I fly the Jet off of the roof.

As I reach A steady high I think of what I will do in New Mexico. I knew a scientist there, Jane Foster, maybe I would go to her lab and find my way from there. I really just left from my anger.

I flew for about 5 hours to get there where I just found a landing pad near the town I was sure Jane lived in.

I get out of the jet and walk into town where I see the darkness of afternoon linger over the town. I decide that Jane can wait. I was starving. I go into some kind of restaurant and grab a menu.

"Um, can I get a bowl of pasta with pesto sauce?" I ask the waiter as he nods and leaves me sitting there. And of course I call Jane.

"Um right now is not really a good time, who is this?" I hear her voice say as I smile.

"Hey Jane, it's Sara, should I call you back later?" I ask as I hear relife in her voice.

"No it's fine, what do you need Sara?"

"Well I found something out, S.H.I.E.L.D. was lying to me my whole life, and I came here for you."

"Oh well I am not home right now, but I will be back in about an hour, we can talk about this then ok?"

The lost sister ( Serenity Odinson )Where stories live. Discover now