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He placed the box down making a loud clanking sound. I sat up and looked around at everyone, they all had a cheeky smile on their face. I couldn't help but feel scared.

Why are they smiling at each other like that? What was going on? Can they all read each others minds?

I scooted back on the bed until I pressed my back onto the headboard. Even then I still tried to keep pushing myself, I was afraid. I wanted to hide.

Finally Tom spoke up and asked me "Evie, do you drink?," I only ever drank once and got shitfaced. I didn't remember anything the next morning and promised myself I wouldn't drink ever again after that.

I shrugged, "once," my body softened up and I wasn't so tense anymore. I leaned a little forward, curious of what was in the box. I had an idea but I still wasn't sure.

"Well," He kept the same smile on his face and opened the box. He held a bottle up and who would've guessed, it was beer.

No, no way in hell am I going to drink with some people I don't even know. I don't even know one of the guys' name! Hell no. They wont convince me otherwise.

I crossed my arms over my chest and shook my head no, "Nope," I snickered. It was a little funny how they just expected me to drink with them when I barely knew them. I just met them like.. yesterday. Today I just met Bill and Georg. No way Jose.

Tom grinned, "Come on, it'll be fun," He waved the bottle around.

"I don't know you guys, come on let's be realistic here I don't even know his name," I pointed to the short haired one sitting against the bed then crossed my arms again.

"Gustav, there now you know his name," He pointed at him with the bottle.

I mean.. they've been nice to me the whole time. Whats the worst that can happen? Maybe it'll be fun and better than last time. Maybe im just overthinking again.

I shrugged, then it dawned on me.

"Shit! I completely forgot about work!" I sprung up and looked for my phone. Then stood up from the bed, still scrambling to find my phone.

I quickly got a hold on my phone and checked the time. Then I looked up at the guys, they all had slightly disturbed expressions on their face and looked around at each other.

I had completely gotten distracted by the fact some dreamy boy had asked me to come over for a stupid movie, really?! Really Evie?!

I didn't even care if I was making a fool out of myself anymore, I was trying to figure out what to tell my boss.

"This is so stupid!" I yelled out and cupped my face in frustration. I really couldn't believe it, it really all is so stupid. This whole thing is stupid! They're stupid! My parents are stupid! My boss is stupid! I'm such an idiot..

I sighed and felt someone's hand on my back, "Hey.. calm down it's not that deep," Bill said softly as he rubbed my back. I scoffed and pushed his hand away and scrammed out the bedroom door.

I wasn't going to leave, I just need to call my boss and tell him what was up. That's all.. but I know what the consequence of not calling to tell in advance. I hope somehow I get a pass.. maybe if I have a reasonable excuse. Yet i've never heard of him giving someone a pass.

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