PART - 13

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Continue flashback....

JIN - Hmm kook what you say about this?

For 5 min no one was talking so jin again asked..

JIN - Kook say something what happened, tae what happened to kook?

TAE - Hyung kook is sitting beside me and I think he is thinking something.

SUGA - Kook what are you thinking don't think to do anything with her now , I think we should see what she wanna do .

YOONGI - Hmm suga is right I think we should just keep our eyes at her ,for now let her do whatever she wanna do .

KOOK - Hmm I was also thinking the same . You know jin hyung from the time she had came I was not getting good vibes from her but I was thinking that because she is new to me that's why I am feeling like this but now that you said that she was Lying I am conform that she is come here with bad intentions.

JOON - Hmm I think kook is right baby , but I think you know her better because you were with her from childhood so ...

JIN - Hmm you are right joonie but I knew that she was not a simple and innocent girl but I thought that she would never do anything with me as I was with her from childhood , but I think she again wanna do something.

JIMIN - What do you mean by again hyung , did she did something in past.

JIN - Hmm she did but not with me so don't worry but in past when she turn 18 and had to leave orphan that time she started to work in some type of gang I think.

HOPE - What gang , what type of gang hyung?

JIN - I don't know as I was one year younger then her I didn't meet her but she used to call me asked me to join her in that work but I always refund her. After her call stop and I also didn't call her . But when I turn 19 she again called me and said that she had left the gang and now studying in college.

KOOK - Hmm hyung do you know about her college?

JOON - Hmm jinie did she tell you where did she study and which college?

JIN - No she never tell me I had try to ask her many time but she used to just change the topic , like she didn't want ma to know where she study or....

TAE - She in reality never went to any college she just trying to make you belive her that she had leave that gang right hyung ?

JIN - Hmm you are right tae I also think that she just wanted to make me belive that she is good and not bad person.

SUGA - Don't you think guys that now that we know her intentions not all but still so let her just play we will just watch and at right time do our work.

JIMIN - Yeah hyung is right I also think that let her just play . May be we get to know her real intentions.

JIN - OK as you guys say it's just I wish she doesn't do any thing with you all .

KOOK - Don't worry hyung everything will be ok. You just relax.

HOBA - Yeah hyung don't worry I will find about her whole biodata .

TAE - Yeah hyung we will get to know that did she really study somewhere or just lieing and also in which gang she was.

YOONGI - Hmm think what should we do about her joing university as proffeser.

JOON - I think we should just let do whatever she wanna do , Junie just inform principal about this and tell him that don't tell about us.

JIN - OK I will tell principal about that , now leave that topic and tell me did you guys rat?

Everyone smile listening to jin , they know whatever happen their hyung will never forgot worry about them.

SUGA - No hyung we just gonna eat but at that your call came so but now we will eat don't worry.

Suga said hurryly as he felt that jin was going to scold them.

JIN- Hmm what about you four brats?

HOBA - Hyungggg don't call us brat just because me and chim is with taekook that doesn't mean we are brats like them.

TAE - How dare you hyung to call me and koo brats hump. We ate not brats we are good boys , right joonie hyung?

Tae said teasingly knowing that joon will never say no because he know that taekook know about him brecking jin's favorite vase and sneakingly running away from their.

JOON- Hehee Yeah you two are not brats you are my good boys.

KOOK - Did you listen jin hyung now joon hyung started go opposite to you.

Kook said while smirking . And just as he finish his sentence he heard loud gasps from phone and around him and ever feel hobi smaking his forehead making him pout.

JIN- How dare you kim namjoon , now you will go against me , just this much you love me huh?

JOON- No baby I will never go opposite to you sorry please forgive me I was just joking and you know right how much I love you .

JIN - Yeah yeah I know that now you four tell me did you had your lunch.

JIMIN - We are having it hyung don't worry we will not skip our food.

JIN - All right now finish your good finish your work and come home safely.

KOOK- Hyung after college we have to go to office you also come their.

JIN - But Sana will be alone at home then and what if she did something.

TAE - Don't worry hyung you know right our every room as fingerprint lock means only by that we can open our room .

JIN - Hmm you are right so when you will finish your college call me so till then I will make dinner.

YOONGI - Hmm alright then byy guys meet you at office in evening.

Saying this yoongi cut the call.

HOBA - Byy hyung meet you at office.

Saying he also cut the call.

Just as jin was about to lay down he heard that someone was knocking his room door.

JIN - Who is there?

What do you think who will be that person.



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Till then byyy.

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