Chapter Seven

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The dark skies were replaced with a golden hue. Spencer's eyes travelled around Trina's body in search of a second entrance wound. He released a nervous exhaled as he found it near her ribs. "Trina," He whispered, cradling her face as her eyes fell low.

She hummed in response as an injured Curtis rushed down the stairs.

"Baby, the sun is rising. The storm has passed, help is on the way" Spencer spoke softly, his comforting tone as he continued to ramble helping the female focus on him than the pain that traveled through her body.

Trina stared at Spencer as he looked around. He desperately needed assistance — his own injury prevented his assistance with the female that laid on his lap. He looked down and met her eyes.

Trina watched the movement in his throat as he swallowed back his cries. He couldn't hold back the tears as a lone droplet escaped. Trina lifted her hand — the sight of her bloodied palm made her twist her wrist; she used the back of her fingers to wipe the trail the tear left. "I'm okay,"

Trina tried convincing Spencer and he nodded as his hold on her tightened. "Yeah, you're okay. My strong lady," Spencer voiced shakily.

You're not okay, my love. Spencer thought to himself.

Trina nodded and Spencer subconsciously followed. Rushed footsteps were heard after a few minutes. Elizabeth was seen with Dante. They assisted Spencer and Trina with their injury until the authorities arrived which didn't take as long as they expected.

"Sir, you need to seek medical attention with th—" The EMT pointed as he spoke and Spencer declined. "I'm not leaving her, I'm fine...I can get help at the hospital, I don't know. I don't care I just need to be with her...please," Spencer expressed as he limped into the emergency helicopter with Trina.

She was unconscious.

Spencer didn't like that.

Her breathing looked shallow.

Spencer hates that.

The air ambulance was silent despite the EMT attempt to make conversation with Spencer to calm the nervous atmosphere. 

Spencer was in his head.

The worse outcome being the most prevalent in his mind. Trina lost alot of blood, and he meant a lot. The white dress she wore became an ombre. Colors stemming from the dark mud, the blood dried brown and the fresh blood that turned orange from the rain to the deep red that recently coated the upper torso.

They made it to General Hospital swiftly. They began unloading Trina and Spencer went to follow. "No sir, your foot is obliterated. You need to be examined," One of the EMTs told him as a nurse with a wheel chair approached them.

Trina was quickly being wheeled away and Spencer began to panic. The sudden change from calm to panicked caught the  medical team by surprise. The EMT rushed into his medical storage and pulled out a bottle and needle — swiftly collecting the fluid into the needle before injecting a distracted Spencer.

The male rapidly calmed down and collapsed into the wheel chair.

"What was that?" The security who came to assist asked. "Ativan" The EMT officer voiced as he closed the doors and went into the helicopter to return it from where it came from as the nurse wheeled Spencer away.

Spencer sat in his hospital room, his uninjured leg bouncing nervously, eyes glued to the clock. Each second felt like an eternity. The door opened, exposing Elizabeth, she approached him, her face grave.

"Spencer, we need to talk," Elizabeth began, her voice heavy with sympathy. "Trina...she didn't make it. Her injuries were too severe." Spencer heart stopped.

The heart monitor he was attached to picking up everything.

"No, you're lying!" he shouted, his voice cracking with anguish. "You're lying! She's fine! She has to be fine!"

Elizabeth reached out, but Spencer jerked away, his eyes wild with pain. "Don't touch me! How could you let this happen?" The room seemed to spin. The words echoed in his mind, a relentless, torturous mantra. He ripped the equipment that was attached to his body and limped away from Elizabeth who detested and approached him.

He staggered backward, refusing the support offered by the family-friend nurse. "Get away from me!" he roared, tears streaming down his face.

"Spencer, please," Elizabeth's voice cracked as she begged, more nurses hearing the commotion entered the room but the world went black. Spencer's knees buckled, and he collapsed, unconscious, the unbearable reality too much to bear.

Spencer snapped awake screaming. His rapid heart rate and loud yells alerting the medical officials who rushed into his room. "Wait, let me" The familiar voice of Bobbi was heard.

"Spencer," Bobbi carefully approached the traumatized male. "Hey, you're ok." She touched his shoulder and Spencer shrugged her off. "Let me see her, I need to see her," Spencer cried out, attempting to move from his position on the bed but the other nurses held him down. "Who? Trina? No, you can't do that right now," Bobbi told him and he cried harder. "Bobbi, please."

"Spencer, she just came out of surgery. She's in recovery, she has to be watched after such an extensive surgery. No one except the doctors are allowed back there right now, once she's released to her room I will let you see her," Bobbi explain and Spencer froze.

"She's...she's in recovery?" He repeated, confused. "But Elizabeth told me that she..." His words dragged off and Bobbi gave him a warm smile. "You had a nightmare sweetheart. Elizabeth has been at the police station giving her statement of what happened last night. We have her some compassionate days to reevaluate herself before coming back to work after such an occasion,"

Spencer felt the nurses release him after he calmed down.

" okay?" He asked softly. Bobbi nodded, "She's a fighter buddy, now get some more rest. I will let you be the first to see her once this step is over," Spencer exhaled, his anxiety calming instantly. He nodded as they left the room.

He leaned back, his eyes watering in relief at the news. He couldn't help but cry.

He was too close to losing her.

Spencer wheeled into the room that Bobbi led him to. She gave the two privacy as they left the room and closed the door behind her.

Spencer approached the sleeping female. His hand caught hers that was laying on her stomach. "Hi, my love" His voice cracked and his head fell on her bedside as he released some more tears at the sight of the amount of bandages her body was covered in.

"Hi," He stilled at the hoarse voice before quickly looking up. He jumped up from the wheelchair ignoring the sharp pain in his ankle and kissed her lips. His free hand found her cheek as he shifted his weight to the uninjured leg. He tasted her tears on their lips before pulling away. "You're okay..." He whispered.

Trina nodded, her own tears finally coming into play after everything that happened.

"It's over..." Trina softly spoke. "It's all over," She repeated as she released as cry and slowly lifted her arms. She wrapped them around Spencer's neck and pulled him down to her in a tight embrace. He held her softly, afraid to cause any pain.

They heard the door open and they both turned to it to see Trina's family. Spencer went to dismiss himself but Portia raised her hand. "Take your time," She told him before shutting the door. They watched as the family sat in the waiting area.

Spencer turned to Trina. "I'm going to let hem spend some time with you and I will be back as soon as they're done," Trina nodded and Spencer kissed her again. "I love you," Trina whispered and Spencer smiled on her lips before planting a soft kiss to her forehead.

"I love you too,"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04 ⏰

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