2. The Boys

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The next morning, Yunah had gotten to campus earlier than some teachers. She was on a mission to search the Institute's archives to see if there was any incident if this had been happening in the past. She was supposed to be meeting Moka and Wonhee, but she knew those two were eternally late. What surprised her was that Iroha and Minju didn't even know her, Moka and Wonhee would be there, and it showed. The two of them started giggling at her puzzled expression.

"I figured out my power. I can see time as if I were looking at a river. I can dabble in past events, live in the present, and determine the outcome of things yet to come." She smiled a huge warm grin, tucking her hair behind her left ear.

"That's fantastic! We'll, since Wonhee and Moka are late, as usual, so would you two help me? I'll buy lunch?" Yunah asked.

"What are we doing?" Iroha shrugged.

"I'm going through the archives to see if what happened to us has happened before." She mumbled, offering an 'I'm sorry' look.

"Now I see why they are late." Iroha smiled.

"Shut up!" Yunah laughed, linked her arms through theirs, and went to the Library to look.

"What the hell are they doing here?" Heeseung cringed.

"Why did Youngseo say to be here early?" Jake whined. "I could have slept a few more hours. Now I'm going to have to go to work hungry and tired." Jake growled.

"Well, brothers, shall we?" Jay said, taking a step forward. Heeseung grabbed his arm and yanked him silently away, the others following. Once they retreated far enough away from the girls, Jay asked a very nervous Heeseung.

"Why are you afraid to talk to Yunah?" Jay asked Heeseung. To which he replied,

"I kissed Youngseo last night!" He slumped back against the locker behind him and slid to the floor.

"You messed up, dude." Sunghoon laughed, pulling his brother to his feet.

"I'm sure Yunah will understand if you're just honest with her." Jake smiled.

"Did you eat a stoner this morning or something? Yunah is..." Sunghoon's eyes widened, and Heeseung got the message and whipped around, ending up face-to-face with Yunah, Iroha, and Minju.

"I'm what?" she smiled her secret smile that she only gave him.

"Beautiful. What are you ladies doing here so early? I know why we are here," Jake said, shooting Heeseung a glance, "but why are you here?" he said, bracing for the mental slam that surely was coming for his elder brother.

"Finishing up a report for class, these two are here to help male study," Yunah replied, shakily. She was a horrible liar.

"What could the runt there teach you?" Jake laughed.

"Jake, is it? I'm Minju, let's be friends?" she asked a little too sweetly and reached for his hand. He offered it freely. As soon as she touched him, Minju felt fire exploding through her, and she jerked her hand away.

"Are you ok, Minji?" Iroha asked, her eyes flashing at Jake, dark and menacing.

"No, we're good. Nice to meet you all." She replied and fell silent. They were vampires, or at least Jake was. He has some serious firepower, too, but she kept that to herself, even though she believed the whole thing about vampires having good ears. After last night, she knew everything was possible.

"We gotta go. I'll see you later for coffee, eight?" Heeseung asked, drawing focus away from Jake's impending train wreck with the girls. He kissed her on the cheek, grabbed Jake's shirt collar, and started dragging his brother along down the hall.

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