Chapter one

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I wake up to the feeling of my boyfriends arm snaked around my waist, trying to pull me in closer. I slightly smile to myself, because I love when he does this. It may sound stupid that such a simple act could make me go crazy; but I love the thought that someone needs me enough to need to have me closer to their body. That they want me.
I open my eyes to the morning sunlight, which is odd because Liam always keeps our curtains shut. I turn over and look at my boyfriend. He's still halfway asleep. I didn't want to wake him anymore, he looked so peaceful for the first time.
I reached for my dresser, and grabbed my phone. On the home screen it showed i had a text from Matty, who I have practically known for my whole life. I slid open my phone, and read the text.

     "Hey babe! Have great news. Going to be taking a break off of tour for a few months and wanted to stop by. It's still weird not seeing you everyday. Hope everything is well. -M xx
     I smiled at my phone. I could practically hear his voice. I eagerly texted him back saying he could stop by anytime he wanted. He replied,

"Excellent. See you soon love."

I decided to get out of bed, and start my day since Matty was coming over. I cooked breakfast for me and Liam, and decided to tidy up the house a bit. I knew Matt wouldn't care what the house looked like, nor would he notice if I cleaned it, but I still wanted to make a good impression since I haven't seen him in about 2 years while he was on tour.
I was so excited to finally see Matty again that I forgot about the bacon i was cooking, and it burned to charcoal...

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