The phone call

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Niana's pov ~
  My beauty sleep was awaken by every girl's enemy alarm.
    I woke up and got ready for the day.
Shivvay said that he has some important things to tell me.

So I told him to call me in the evening to tell me that important .
As soon as I got out of my apartment.
Yes,apartment because I don't want to live in a mansion when I will be alone and without security my mom will never talk to me then.

I went to the lift as some girls there were talking about a guy who looks soo good but left them stopping the lift basically mannerless .
And there are some security guys talking about a person who was scolding them.

As soon as I came back from my mission, I got some project details and a tender which was related to 'shikawath's' company,I need to go to India to check and complete the signature and formalities for the projects.

It was evening and I remembered that Shivvay said he has something important things to say to me. So,I called him and I said "hey wassup how are you ?"he said, "Anna Garu , eadho important vishayam cheaptha Annaru eantadi" I asked him."he replied "I will say it but don't get angry and listen fully  ok","ok","I'm going to get married within 1 1/2 month come to india within two days "he said," I was shocked angry and excited at the same time for not telling  me about it as i said"why don't you tell me before ,do you think I am a guest for your wedding ","hey you are the only one I'm telling after the brides family so shut up and I sending the bride photo to you and tell me how it is"he said and sended me the photo to me I saw it and said him" areeaa,aif I was born as a boy I would kick you and marry her,she is soo beautiful " I said and he agreed" yes , indeed she is beautiful and also she knows and has everything which I wanted in my wife"." Oh also you know that 'shikawath's right, I'm going to sign a project with them so I need to come to india , I wanted to tell you this now but you gave me surprise,anyways I'm going to take a leave tomorrow and pack my luggage, day after tomorrow I will reach there ,ok"i said " oh, I don't know that but Shikawath's are soo picky at choosing partners and dealers, if they came and asked you means thet you have gained there trust and you are indeed successful ""okay anyways I will be waiting for your arrival to india ,now take care and sleep"he said and we spoke two hours straight even after saying goodbye.

I went to bed at almost 11 PM after a long talk with my brother.

Tomorrow is going to be a stressful but soo good day for me.

Arun pov》

I woke up before my alarm rang because I was attacked last night even with the community and my personal security.

I got up and did my routine dressed up and went to the lift, there were girls talking about I don't know what.

They tried to talk to me so I dint wait for them to reach me so I closed the lift by the button.

As I came down there were security guards doing nothing but just chit chatting so I scolded them .

As the day went in i spoke to some dealers and the day was done .

As soon as I reached home I got a call from my sis Anjiali called me and said that she was getting married and wants me to come India in 2 days .

"As you wish my dear sisuuuu, I will be there within two days " I said as she amazed and said " what!you are coming here is two days that too without making me beg for it,you are not my brother you are someone else, I begged my brother 100s of times to come india but he never said yes "."sissy I'm not in the mood I will call you later bye " as I said that I cut the call and took a warm shower and slept as I dint sleep all night by killing those guys.

Bye guys I will be back with another beautiful chapter with love

☆☆☆Vote for me , trust me it gives me a lot of support and excitement for writing next chapter ♡♡♡♡

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