chapter two

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"You want to get a lip piercing... with me?" Annabeth's confusion was laughable, but Bailey honestly couldn't care.

"Why not? I've always wanted one, and we're stuck here for a few days," Bailey shrugged, looking out at the expanse of the large city. Percy had docked them in Boston for the foreseeable future, thanks to the giant storm coming in on the coast. They would eventually continue the trip to New York, but the quartet had decided it best to lay low for a few days.

"I've known you for a little over a week?" Annabeth was grasping at straws, which made Bailey laugh. The girl had a spark of mischief in her eyes that told Bailey that she did want to go, but Bailey could also understand the girl holding back.

"It'll be a bonding experience. Plus, we only have a few days to explore the city, and I've never been to Boston before," Bailey did her best to smile at the other blonde, hoping she could wear her down.

The truth was, Bailey's mom had always believed that face piercings were for unruly teens. She was going to take an opportunity when it came, and that opportunity was now.

Annabeth rolled her eyes, "Fine, let's go get our lips pierced!" She sounded a little hysterical, but Bailey could tell that she was the littlest bit excited too.

The hotel room they had all packed into was quite nice, thanks mostly to Bailey— who wasn't going to stay in some moldy ass room, thank you— and could fit all four of them relatively comfortably. Annabeth and her had to share a bed, the boys doing the same a few feet away.

"Perce? We'll be back in a few hours," Annabeth called across the room, where Percy and Jason were using a portable disk— Iris Message, someone had called it?— to talk quietly to Thalia, who looked to be standing in a giant... throne room?

"Ok, Annie. Be careful, you two," Percy looked up for a second distractedly, before going back to quietly arguing with the black haired girl in the mist.

"Aren't you going to tell him you're getting a piercing?" Bailey was a little miffed, shrugging on her hoodie. The rain was barely drizzling outside, but she knew they would be walking and grabbed an umbrella as they slipped out the door.

"I don't have to tell my boyfriend everything," Annabeth rolled her eyes, "It's my decision. Plus, I know he'll think it's hot." The blonde shrugged, opening the hotel room door and holding it for Bailey.

Bailey just nodded, understanding. The hallway fell silent as they walked, listening to the other people ambling around in the hotel rooms. Over the week she'd been on the boat with the trio, she had learned a little about each of them, but they weren't close by any means.

It made Bailey want to befriend Annabeth even more. She knew, logically, that she'd need a friend at camp, so Annabeth seemed like the best choice. The only problem was, Bailey had never had to... actually make friends. Her team had been a given since she was little, and she wasn't friendly with anyone outside of them.

The piercing idea was completely random, but Annabeth seemed just crazy enough to go for it. It's not like they're getting tattoos, is it? She could always take the piercing out if she needed, and Bailey honestly thought the jewelry would look good on the blonde.

"So... a lip piercing?" Annabeth asked when they get to the lobby, popping the umbrella Bailey handed to her.

"I think they're cute," Bailey explained, "And my mom doesn't."

Bailey could feel gray eyes on the side of her head, "Taking the opportunity?"


"Ah. I get it, don't worry." The words make Bailey's head snap to meet Annabeth's eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29 ⏰

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