˚₊‧꒰ა runaway ໒꒱‧₊˚

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Mira's POV

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Mira's POV

The ship came to an abrupt stop as cruel voices echoed through the metal walls of my cell.Metal clanging against itself as soldiers marched through the halls with their armour on.My hands were trapped in a fireproof restraint so i wouldn't fire bend which was annoying, i lean up against the wall behind me as a soldier barges in to my cell.

"Stand up we have to move you" I obliged and stood up slowly. He walked over to me and unchained my restraints from the wall, although this isn't the first this has happened I will never get used to how aggressive they are when they unchain me. He gripped the end of my chain and dragged me with him as he walked out the door and down the hall to the other cell.

i looked around and noticed it was just one soldier, usually i wouldn't have been able to take two down but one would be easy. I double checked my surroundings before pulling my hands up and aggressively throwing them down ,pulling the chain out of the soldiers grip. He turned around and puts his hands up obviously about to fire bend, I quickly whip the chain towards his head causing him to fall to the ground.

I look around once more before sprinting down the hall, I run around the ship until i finally find an exit that leads down the side of the ship. I look out and see the fire nation attacking was seems to be the water tribe, I run around the side of the fence to stay under noticed and found a hole in the fence that was big enough for me to fit through. I drop to my knees and get on my stomach to slide myself under,I use my feet to push me through the hole easier as I raise my still retrained hands to push me through in the other side. I slowly sit up and look around to see the fire nation leaving with a small bald boy with orange clothes on.

I needed to get these restraints off of me, I think of what to do until I see a young woman walk past me "excuse me ma'am could you help me get these off?" She screams at me which draws attention to us, everybody starts rushing around and asking what happened. They all stare at me in disgust and fear. Two other people come up to the crowd, a girl and a boy, the boy who was fighting the fire nation.

"what's going on here?" The boy asked as he looks around and stops at me "who are you and what are you doing here?! Have you come to burn this village down?!" The boy keeps asking me questions and I roll my eyes.

"I'm not here to hurt anybody, I just escaped from the fire nation" the boy walks closer to me "how do we know that we can trust you?"

I sigh loudly "you don't know that but I promise that I can earn your trust, I would never hurt anybody" The boy glares at me yet again then turns to the girl who nods her head and then asks me "Whats your name?"

I pause for a moment "I'm Mira" she smiles at me "I'm Katara and that's my brother Sokka" She gestures to the boy in front of me "We can help get them off you, come with me" She gestures that I follow her as Sokka tells everybody to go back to what they were doing. Katara leads me to a hut and sits me down "So why were you escaping from the fire nation?" She asks as she gets some tools. "I was imprisoned four years ago for being a traitor, I didn't like their cruel life style so they locked me up"

She hums in response and sits down in front of me with tools in her hand. She starts to work on getting my restraints off
"Who was the boy?" I ask her "He was my friend and the fire nation took him" she explains. Everything was silent for a moment
Until I spoke up "I can help get him back, I know where he would be" She looks up at me in shock "you would help us?" i smile at her "of course I would, you're nice"

Small time skip

After my restraints are finally off we get ready to get katara's friend, I have no idea why I'm doing this. I just escaped and now I'm going back onto the ship I was stuck on for 4 years.

Me and Katara walk up to Sokka "We have to do something" She follows behind him as I follow behind her "Sokka,we have to help him!" Sokka grabs a guy by his shoulder and spins him around "Okay ,listen up. Reinforce the braces on the gate, and dont fall behind on drills. I saw some real sloppiness out there today" the guy looks at him confused "drills?" Sokka cuts him off "and don't let the younger ones push you around.You gotta let them know who's in charge" The guys expression changed from confused to shock "that's right, you're in charge" Sokka pats the guys arm and turns to face me and Katara

"Now, let's go save that weird kid" Katara smiles at him as they walk off to pack their stuff. I stay with katara after helping her pack and we wait for Sokka. He walks out of the hut and looks at me "Why is she coming?" Katara glares at him
"Mira offered to help, she was inside of that ship for years and she should know her way around" I stand there awkwardly and rock back and forth on the heels of my feet.

"Whatever lets go" we all start walking towards the front gate "it won't be easy to catch them" Katara says "I know.Hopefully,we can find a swift current.Maybe draft off their wake" Katara stops, me and Sokka are now stood next to each other "or, we could go another way" I look at the two siblings very confused ,Sokka scoffs "You're not serious" Katara raises her eyebrows "Katara,no! There's no way you're getting me on that thing" Still very confused I say "what thing are we talking about?!"
Katara tilts her head to the side signalling to something, I look over and see a huge fury animal.

"There is no way I am getting on that thing"

"There is no way I am getting on that thing"

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Word count:1095


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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