Valentine Morgenstern-Part 7

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A few weeks later I awoke to screaming, horrid piercing screams. I rested my hand on my new, tiny bump and sat up. Disorientated I said nothing. The screams bounced around the walls of our room. I hurriedly pulled on a dressing gown and nervously moved towards the door. Reaching into a drawer I pulled out a seraph blade, ready to defend myself if necessary. I moved through the manor on silent feet only to find nothing. I shook my head, trying to convince myself that it had been my imagination. I slipped back into our bed and drifted into an uneasy sleep.

Morning came and I got up. I spent my day as I usually did, cleaning and resting. I was beginning to feel tired all the time.

"How are you feeling today Lynn?" Valentine asked. He was the only one who ever called me Lynn, I never would have allowed another person to call me that.

"Tired and stiff but otherwise good," I said as cheerily as I could.

With some hesitation he offered me a decanter of dark liquid and I reached out with a trembling arm to take it. I didn't like the look of the murky black liquid. It looked disgusting. As the decanter shone in the sunlight the black liquid gave off a familiar green twinge. Every ounce of my being rejected the look of that liquid, something in me was warning me that it was potentially dangerous.

"I read that this mixture was good for the baby," Valentine murmured. His eyes didn't quite meet mine.

"I'd rather not. I don't like the look of it," I refused bluntly.

"You take it before bed. Just try it once, please. I don't want you to continue having such a difficult pregnancy," he begged.

Sighing I nodded. Maybe it would help. His dark eyes turned from pleading to calculating. I bit my lip as I accepted the decanter which I carefully placed on the counter.

"I was thinking we need to begin to think of names for the baby," I mumbled shyly.

"I thought if it were a boy he'd be called Jonathan, a fine Shadowhunter name for the finest Shadowhunter there will ever be?" He suggested.

"Jonathan Morgenstern," I said, trying out how it sounded. Smiling I nodded and pursed my lips as I thought of names for a girl. A girl. What would we call her? "Elizabeth Adele Morgenstern for a girl?" I asked gently.

"Beautiful but it won't be needed, it is most definitely a boy," Valentine teased in good humour. After all it was a long standing debate.

"Perhaps it will be. I believe in being prepared for all eventualities as you well know Mr Morgenstern," I joked happily.

He leant in and kissed me softly and so gently I forgot I was stood in the kitchen and I forgot that anyone could walk in at any moment.

Lucian strode in, he always let himself in as he was always welcome here. He cleared his throat loudly but in a polite way. We broke apart in shock but I could say nothing and could do nothing but blush.

"We will be back tomorrow morning it's our turn for patrol duty," Valentine explained.

"Don't worry," Lucian said.

I smiled and nodded, still too stunned by Lucian's sudden appearance to speak. Valentine pecked me on the cheek and I flushed with colour. I was madly in love with him.

"Remember to take the draft for the baby please," Valentine requested.

"I promise," I said gently.

Valentine smiled and Lucian frowned especially when his eyes latched on the decanter on the counter. A few seconds later they were gone, their black gear disappearing into the darkening night.

Valentine MorgesternWhere stories live. Discover now