12) kentucky fried ada lee

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When Ada woke up, nobody was around.

Okay. Ada thought, looking around. This is weird.

She was patched up - who did it, she couldn't say. After her eyes adjusted to the cold and relatively bright warehouse, she took a moment to take it all in.

What would coach hedge tell her to do? All those first aid classes and emergency lessons, and Ada couldn't get herself out of this scenario?

"All right pipsqueak, you're lost with no food, no water, and no supplies. What do you do?" She tried to create in her mind what coach would've told her, as a way to calm her mind.

Well, she did have supplies. It seemed whoever took care of her while she was out left bandages, a half filled bottle of hydrogen peroxide, and confusingly, a pack of breath mints. She didn't mind, and took one.

Coach would probably advice her to get up and see what the situation looks like. Get a good look a your environment, and see if there's evidence of people who were here before.

Ada swore, she looked everywhere. It took her three rounds of slow, uneven walking before she found a small, pink hair tie that made her realize how puffy her hair was. This wouldn't do anything for her.

"Wait. This is Pipers hair tie. She keeps it on her wrist." Ada spoke to herself, looking around.

Then where is piper?


That's a voice she recognized. Leo?

"Oh thank god. Where are you, Valdez!"

"Yeah, it's me." Leo  said from the darkness. "On my way up."

Definitely Leo's voice. So why did all her instincts say Run?

With effort, Ada took a few inches advancing towards the dark corner.

The steps came closer.

"It's okay," Leo voice promised.

"Why are you saying stuff like that? I know it's okay." Ada questioned with bewilderment.

Something wasn't right about this.

At the top of the stairs, a face appeared out of the darkness—a hideous black grin, a smashed nose, and a single bloodshot eye in the middle of his forehead.

By instinct, Ada uppercut him.

"Argh! Demigod scum! The nerve..." The cyclops she could see clearly shook themself and recovered. When the cyclops cried out, it wasn't in Leo's voice anymore.

"It's fine," the Cyclops said, in a perfect imitation of Leo's voice. "You're just in time for dinner."


Ada woke up with a pounding headache and an even worse ankle.

She didn't dare open her eyes, and was pretty much half unconscious. Ada heard the banging, clashing  and the scraping eerie sound of nothing but metal.

With a small amount of movement, Ada noted that she was tied up by her ankle. That's why it was so painful - the rope was yanked so tight it was starting to dig into her ankle with even tiny movements.

Finally waking up (mostly from the ankle pains), she discovered that she was neck up tied in heavy chains. Another quick survey, and she could see piper who was flailing and Jason, who was limp with a giant welt above his eyebrows.

Good news! Everyone is here minus Leo. Bad news! They're not escaping anytime soon.

Looking down was the worst of it all. On the conveyor belt, the bed of the unfinished pickup truck was being used as a fire pit. The emergency flare had ignited a mixture of tires and wood, which, from the smell of it, had been doused in kerosene. A big metal pole was suspended over the flames—a spit, Ada realized, which meant this was a cooking fire.

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