✭PartyBeetle||pt 1!!✭

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this was request ty for requesting this :3

this is fluff btw :3

also partial face reveal?? idek

anyways uh I'm just feeding y'all this for you hungry ass shippers

so far all of my fans are requesting innocent shit but ik its not for long

they will learn how far my boundaries actually go in fact I barely have any

also I'm working on scenelight next :3

feel free to give me tips about writing I'm shitty at this 

also poob uses they/them and pest uses he/they so it may get confusing also yes I do like object shows :3

also I will use Japanese a little bit I am learning it myself so if its incorrect I'm sorry!

actually putting effort into the name lmao


Pest tapped his foot (I about typed ffot help) clearly annoyed as always he was sitting next to Poob who would not shut up about the party they were getting ready to go

 to Pest chittered annoyingly and sank into his seat as Poob continued on to talk and annoy Pest 

it actually didn't bother Pest but he made it to where it looked like he did to not ruin their reputation(totally not bc of smth else)

as Poob continued to talk more and more Pest noticed a the bruise that Poob had on their hand 

Pest asked "hey Poob what's that?" pointing at Poob's left hand knowing that someone had hurt them just not sure who

"oh!1!! ermz..yk- just da normal party stuf hehe!I hit it on smth srsly I'm fine!!1!" Poob said trying to play it off

"No,it's not" Pest said as he grabbed Poob's left hand wrist

 (i struggled writing that help-)

Poob,who was clearly flustered by Pest grabbing their hand whispered Pest also getting somewhat flustered

"p-plz let go ur scaring me..."



"I'm sorry"

"f-for what?"

"どうでも (nevermind)"

Pest heard his train coming so he stopped acting like an emo ass bug and got tf up and actually hopped on the train!(WOW HE'S FUCKING CIVILIZED NOW)

he turned around to see Poob waving bye to him still clearly nervous 

though Pest didn't care for people like Poob most of the time but he had always watched out for them

they hoped that they would get their hand checked out or tell someone about it....

Pest rode the train home and went inside his house cooked him some dinner

REGRETEVATOR STUFF IM JUST WRITING!!Where stories live. Discover now