chapter 3 The victory.

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Y/n returns home. His forces feast in victory.

Y/n sits on his throne and commands a drink to be made for him.

He receives the drink as Siriaze walks into the room.

Siriaze: That went as good as we could have hoped. Sigvald is no longer able to call himself the most beautiful.

Y/n: No, he can not. *laughs* Maybe now they will not mock me anymore!

Siriaze: They would be foolish to.

Y/n: Siriaze. I do have a request of you, you will be with me for the night.

Siriaze: I would be honored to be your concubine for the night!

Y/n smiles.

Y/n: Glad to hear it. But for now. It is time to play!

At that moment a servant enters.

Servant: Master! We have an unexpected guest!

Y/n: Oh? Who could it possibly be?

Servant: It is Be'lakor! He wishes for an audience.

Y/n: Very well. Show him the way.

The servant nods and leaves. Soon Be'lakor is walking into the throne room

Be'lakor: Y/n. I have been sent by to speak to you.

Y/n: Oh? By the everchosen I presume?

Be'lakor looks angry.

Be'lakor: Yes. He wishes to request that you allow him to rest within the walls of the fortress.

Y/n: He doesn't demand?

Be'lakor: No.

Y/n: Great! Then he may! *claps his hands* After all, it is polite to ask. You can tell him that he can stay as long as he'd like!

Be'lakor nods and then leaves. Mumbling under his breath.

Siriaze: That was...uncharacteristic for Archaon to ask for permission.

Y/n: Hmm? I guess it might have been. But it is alright.

Siriaze: If the everchosen is here. That means something went wrong. Perhaps the greenskins have bested him once more.

Y/n: It should be fine.

Siriaze: Is there a specific game that you wished to play, master?

Y/n thinks for a minute.

Y/n: I am stumped. Head into my quarters and fetch whatever game you can find.

Siriaze nods and leaves. Coming back minutes later with a board game in hand.

They play the game for a while. Keeping Y/n entertained.

However eventually Y/n grows tired of that game and is finished with it.

It is not too long afterwards, that the warhost of the apocalypse arrive. They enter Y/n's fortress to rest. Their numbers are far fewer than expecting, proving that Archaon has faced a great defeat.

Y/n's realm is different from the rest of the domains held by the main chaos gods. Y/n uses chaos dwarven designs to fuel an industry. Mostly to get himself more gems for his treasury. Most of the slaves that Y/n collects, tend to toil away almost endlessly in his mines. Of course the wealth from it is nice, but Y/n wants those gemstones. And he has never once, sold any of his gems. Once Y/n has his hands on a gem, it will be his forever.

Y/n sits on his throne upside down as he kicks his legs back and forth.

Archaon walks into the throne room. Immediately getting Y/n's attention upon entry.

Y/n: Oh! It's you! Archaon.

Archaon: Y/n L/n. I have heard from some of your men. That Sigvald is now missing his face.

Y/n: Yes! I did that myself. He deserved it. He comes into my realm uninvited. And then harassed my vassal. I couldn't let it slide. *laughs*

Archaon: You didn't kill him. Why?

Y/n: That's easy. Because now he can never again feel that ecstasy he felt while looking at his own face. He loved that the most, and I took it from him. All he can do is pray for Slaanesh to restore him. Though I doubt the master-mistress will.

Archaon: I see. I am here to purchase some of the slaves here.

Y/n: Oh? I do have a relatively fresh batch from Bretonnia.

Archaon pulls out a bag. He reaches into it and pulls out a shiny diamond. Y/n looks at it in joy.

Archaon: A gem for a slave. Fair price?

Y/n: Yes! Absolutely! For every gem, you get a slave!

Archaon tosses the bag to Y/n who happily counts the gem in the bag as he pours them into the floor.

Y/n: Siriaze! You know what I want you to do.

Siriaze: Yes master. I have counted as well and will make sure the everchosen is compensated as per the agreement.

Y/n smiles.

Y/n: Throw in an extra for each. A sign of good faith.

Siriaze: As you wish, master.

After Archaon received his new slaves, he leaves hours later. As the night falls, Siriaze heads to Y/n's quarters.

She enters to see Y/n jumping on the bed like a child.

Y/n: There you are. I was wondering if you forgot.

Siriaze: Of course not, master! I would never. Especially not for you.

Y/n jumps onto the bed on his back.

Y/n: Fair enough. Well then. Let's get started, shall we?

Siriaze smirks.

Siriaze: Yes master, I am yours.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03 ⏰

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