Chapter 2 ||Seprate Paths||

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Me and Kenny talk as we soon make it to school. Me and Kenny get off the bus. While I get out I trip and fall on my face to the ground. I hear a few students and Cartman laugh at him as I blush.

"Oh shucks..." I frown as I soon see Kenny's gloved hand reach out to me.

"Are you okay?" Kenny asks as I nod and grab his hand for support to stand up.

"Yep I'm alright Kenny." I smile softly as he nods. Soon he sees Stan, Kyle, and Cartman waiting for him so he waves goodbye to me as he goes towards them. I wave back a goodbye but soon frown. I'm pretty lonely in school. The only people I really talk to are Cartman, Kenny, Tweek, and Wendy. I can't talk to them as they are probably busy and I don't want to be a bother to them. I sigh as I walk inside the school.


I walk to the boys after saying bye to Butters. I see Cartman telling Stan and Kyle about how I was sitting with Butters and Butters is my boyfriend. I just sigh and hit his head.

"Shut up fatass." I glare at him as he start yelling about how he's not fat but me, Kyle and Stan roll our eyes.

"We wouldn't call you fat if you'd just not be a huge fatass you fatass." Kyle tells Cartman as Stan nods in agreement.

"Well I'm not a Jew like you Khal or poor like Kenny!" Cartman shouts. Me and Kyle just glance at each other then at Cartman. After a few minutes of arguing we all head into our first class of the day. I sit at my usual spot where I sit behind the cheerful taller boy who is Butters. I grab my book that I had and place it on my desk. I sigh when I realized I don't have a pencil to draw. Soon I see a cute teal mechanical pencil with flower drawings on it. I look up to see Butters smile as he hands it to me.

"Here you go fella." I just smile softly back but he might not have seen it as I grab the pencil and just nod my head thankfully.

After a few painful hours the school day is over and we all head home. I enter my house where I see Karen on the couch crying as my Dad and Kevin argue about something and my mom yells at them. I sigh and sit beside Karen. I take of my hood and smile at her.

"Hey Karen why are you crying?" I nudge at her.

"T-they're fighting again...." I nod and hug her.

"I know but it's best to ignore them. Hey why don't we play dress up?" Karen soon smiles brightly and nod as we both head to her room to play.


I make it home after school as I see my mom cooking and my dad reading. My dad soon looks at me.

"Welcome home now go clean your room or you're grounded." I just sigh and nod.

"Yes sir." I walk up stair to my room that has some art supplies on the ground from last night. I put my backpack away as I grab the art supplies and put them in the closet. I look to my right to see the thing I was working on last night. My Professor Chaos costume.

"Man it's still ripped." I frown. Last night I was out as Professor Chaos causing Chaos but got in a fight with Mysterion. My helmet got ripped and I tried fixing it but it didn't look good. I get annoyed with the thought of Mysterion. He keeps ruining my plans. Him and the other heroes. Either way I'm not going out today as I still have to fix my costume. Soon I hear my mom call me and a walk down stairs.

End of chapter 2
(Srry for short chapter the next one I'll try make longer and Mysterion will be in the chapter as the bond between the boys will start to form)

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