Chapter 5

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Present Time

I ride  on top Masato, Mai nestled safely in my arms, while Sasuke and Rinji follow closely behind on Yoshi. The wind going against us as we flew. I do my best to shield Mai from the cold, wrapping her in a cloak to keep her warm.

After what feels like an eternity, we finally spot a small town on the horizon. With a sense of relief washing over me, I signal to Masato and Yoshi to descend.

"Thank you for the ride, you guys," I say gratefully as we touch down on solid ground.

"Anytime," Masato and Yoshi reply in unison, their voices warm and reassuring.

"Thanks," Rinji murmurs, nodding his appreciation, while Sasuke merely grunts in response.

"I'll see you guys soon," I say, waving farewell.

With Mai cradled safely in my arms, I walked towards the town, with Sasuke and Rinji by my side.

As we walk through the bustling night market, we looked around the different stores, when I suggest splitting up to gather what we need, Sasuke's typical response doesn't surprise me. "Hn, I don't need anything, I'll just come with you" he states bluntly, his gaze fixed ahead with a hint of stubbornness.

I can't help but roll my eyes at his reply, and soon Rinji's immediate offer to accompany mecame too. "I'll come with then," he says, shooting a pointed look in Sasuke's direction, his tone laced with a hint of challenge.

"Let's just go," I say, eager to escape the mounting tension between the two men. As we walk, I try to absorb the sights and sounds of the market, appreciating the vibrancy of the scene after spending so long in darkness and isolation. I find myself feeling grateful for the fleeting sense of normalcy.

Mai's innocent curiosity brings a soft smile to my lips as I watch her gaze wander, taking in the colorful array of goods on display. I want to give Mai the chance at a happy, fulfilling life that she deserves.

Rinji's suggestion of a nearby shop catches my attention, and I nod in agreement. Stepping into the store, the warm greeting from the owner puts me at ease, and I take a moment to gather my thoughts before speaking.

"Welcome, dear," she greeted, her voice tinged with kindness.

I returned her smile, my heart fluttering with uncertainty. "Hi... I'm Kaiya. I need to buy some things for a Mai over here and a few things for me if you have."

The woman nodded understandingly. "Of course, Kaiya. We have everything you might need. Let me show you around."

As we wandered through the aisles, the woman - whose name I didn't catch - guided me through the baby section. She explained the purpose of each item with patience, as if she sensed my confusion.

"We'll start with onesies and sleepers," she said, pulling out soft, pastel-colored garments. "How old is the baby?" she asked suddenly.

I blinked, caught off guard by the question. "Oh, she's about five months old."

The woman nodded thoughtfully. "In that case, you might want to consider getting items that will last a bit longer. Babies grow so quickly at that age."

I hesitated, the weight of her words sinking in. "You're right... I hadn't thought of that. I'll get things up to a year and a half."

The woman smiled warmly, nodding in agreement. "That sounds like a good plan, dear. Let me show you some options."

As we browsed through the store once more, I couldn't help but laugh at the curious gaze of Mai. Her wide eyes followed our every move, tiny hands reaching out to grab at the colorful displays. 

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