09. long way 2 go

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"HOW IS MY honey doing?" Mom's sweet voice lulls in through the phone the second I swipe accept

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"HOW IS MY honey doing?" Mom's sweet voice lulls in through the phone the second I swipe accept.

"I'm doing—"

"Not you, I'm asking about my other much more beloved son. Biscuit," She cuts in and I can picture her warm grin.

"Oh har, har mom." I scoff with a smile as I walk out of AP Chemistry.

I nod goodbye to one of the cheerleaders that I've been partnered with. I'm ninety-eight percent sure Brooke had called her Priscilla but then again he nicknames people all the time and the girl does have some wicked eyeliner going on so I'm not taking my chances.

Priscilla-but-not-Priscilla shoots me a charming smile and waves her hand.

Mom's laughter is the soundtrack as I walk down the hallway and make my way from the science lab.

"How are you doing Mom?"

"Alright, I'm pretty far from anyone else but the people of Epirus are sweet and I've brushed up on my Greek so that's good."

Mom had originally been stationed over somewhere in South America but after a few nurses who were supposed to go to Epirus coincidentally contracted syphilis at the same time she was asked to take over.

I didn't know syphilis was common like that.

"Ames told me Lola's parents are also in Greece," I vaguely comment as I side-step out of the way of two boys trying to throw it down.

I want to give the kid in the black shirt some pointers — mainly to fucking run, because the kid in red is twice his size and got that look in his eye that translates to me pretty fucking clearly that he's got nothing to lose.

Due to my newly changed ways and many unnecessarily yet oddly appreciated long conversations with Cole about how fighting isn't worth it and the repercussions of it I've decided to better my image.

Mainly because I can't be bothered to dance around talking about my biological dad — a topic that once breached always leaves a bitter taste in Cole's mouth and my mother teary-eyed.

"Her parents aren't back yet?" The frown in Mom's voice doesn't need me to blatantly see it to know it's there. "Poor Loles and Ant."

I cringe at the word knowing that it'd probably send the girl into a fit. Though, she's too nice to show it to Mom. It's always 'Yes Ms Bridgers,' and 'Thank you, Ms Bridgers.' Mom was always jealous that Cole got called 'Cole' whilst she remained 'Ms.'

"Yeah, but they should be only a couple of weeks." Seven at maximum, but who knows with them?

"Ah, well I'll be home in three weeks so you better not grow up any more."

Not this again. "Mom, I haven't changed in five years."

"Blasphemy," she clucks, "You said that last time and I came home to my Prince Charming nearly deflowering a girl on my Persian rug."

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