04. i felt a funeral in my brain

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THE DOORBELL GOES off the second I stop pouring almond milk into my bowl of cereal

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THE DOORBELL GOES off the second I stop pouring almond milk into my bowl of cereal.

"Two days in a row? Does she have no home?"

I reach over the counter to hit my brother upside of the head.

I take silent satisfaction in his 'oww,' as I walk away to open the door.

Although I would never admit it, it is weird that Amethyst has decided to show up again. She'd left me last night after wiping my tears away and reiterating how embarrassed Amos would be at how quickly I'd moved on, but other than that everything had seemed fine.

I was planning to send off Anthony on the school bus whilst I walked it to school. Since he's still in middle school, his school is much further away and it'd take way too long for him to walk.

Plus, Mom doesn't trust that he won't get lazy and try to hitchhike a ride with a stranger if he's forced to walk.

I tug down on my maroon singlet and fix up my light-grey ribbed bolero as I open the door.

I'm only momentarily stunned when I come face to face with Tate.

His eyes are zoned in on his phone and I catch him scrolling through places to stay at for some place up in the woods.

As if registering the door has opened, he swiftly switches his phone off.

"Hi?" I greet.

Prior to all of this, I've never felt any type of way to Tate but with the current situation, I'm finding it a little awkward.

He's leaning on one of the pillars on the front porch and has a passive look playing across his features.

Tate is handsome and blatantly so. He's tall for one and has muscle on him but in the buff way and in a lean one. The only reason I even know that is when he takes off his shirt, which is rare.

There's also the infamous Tate Bridger's tramp stamp which I haven't seen myself so I'm not entirely sure if it's true or not.

I do know however about the flower tattoo he has behind his ear and the two koi fish on his back that sort of resemble ying and yang with the way it's placed.

He'd apparently gotten it to highlight his star sign; pisces.

His honey eyes burn into me as they roam down my clothes. I shift my weight between my feet as a way to somehow produce confidence I'm not feeling under his electric gaze.

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