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Cams POV:

I chased after Evan and yelled at him but he just continued to walk into the store. When I got in there I lost him. That's when I saw him arguing with the employee that told me to leave. "Evan you don't have to do this." I said. "Well they had no right to bother you." "Evan it's fine." "What is he doing back here!" The old lady yelled. "Okay KAREN this isn't your store!" I yelled and tried to lunge for her but Evan stopped me. "Miss My friend here has the right to shop here just because people don't like it you can just ignore it though." Evan said calmly. "Well he bothers me while I'm trying to do my shopping!" The old lady yelled. That's when Evan tried to lunge for them but I stopped them.

Evans POV:

I tried to attack them but Cam stopped me. "ILL GET MY GRANDSON TO FIGHT YOU!" The old lady yelled. "Fine let's put up a fight!" I yelled. I saw this tall dude walk over here he had black hair, in a mullet style look, he had a bunch of tattoos up and down his arms and he had some on his collar bone. He looked very familiar, he also had brown eyes. "JAKE TEACH THESE KIDS A LESSON!" The old granny yelled. "JAKE?!" I yelled. "You're one of Johnnies friends." "Yeah what's it to you?" He asked. "I'm Evan we had a dinner together." "OH YOUR THAT GUY!" Jake yelled. "Grandma I'm not going to fight a friend." "WHAT!" The old lady yelled. "I can't believe this is your grandmother." I said. "That's what I'm saying." Jake murmured. "So no fight?" The employee asked. "No we will be on are way now." I smiled. I can't believe that a friend changed my mood. When we were walking to the exit me and Jake were just talking about what he was doing here and all that stuff. I waved off to him and his grandparents walked out behind us and gave me an evil look. I just looked away and head back to the van.

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