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Johnnies POV:

Me, Evan, Jake and Cam diced to have dinner together. It was at this fancy restaurant. Me and Jake met Cam and Evan there. Me and Jake sat down at this table and waited for Evan and Cam

Evans POV:

Me and Cam met Johnnie and Jake at this fancy restaurant. They were sitting at a table, I saw Johnnie wave at us. "Hey Johnnie." I smiled. We sat down at the table with them. The waitress brought us some wine. Damn this restaurant must be fancy. "I ordered us some wine." Jake smiled as he opened the bottle and poured us some. Johnnie took a sip of the wine. "I'm not going to drink that much after what happened that night." I said while taking a small drink of my wine. "Alright." Jake mumbled. We got are food and we just were talking and laughing. "I'm going to the bathroom." Johnnie said while getting up. 5 minutes went by and he never came back. I got up and went to the bathroom. I opened the door. That's when my heart stopped, Johnnie was lying on the ground blood coming from his stomach. "JOHNNIE!" I yelled. I sat him up and then he put his arm over his stomach. He mumbled something but I couldn't make it out. His face went pale, I picked him up and snuck out the back door so no one would get scared. I took him straight to the hospital, "HELP ME! MY FRIEND TRIED TO KILL HIMSELF!" I yelled. A nurse came up to me, and she grabbed him from me and put him into a wheelchair and went down to the hallway. I just sat down in one of the chairs. A few hours went by and I feel asleep. I think I was asleep for a while until I saw Cam he woke me up. "Evan is Johnnie okay?!" He asked. "I don't know." I mumbled. "Jake wants to know but well he fell asleep." Cam looked sad, he was probably just worried too. The nurse finally came back. "IS HE ALRIGHT?!" We yelled. "Well.. I don't know how to say this.." That's when my heart stopped again. "The damage was pretty bad but he did make it barely, he will have to stay for a while." "Thank you nurse." I woke up Jake and told him that we could see him now. While we were walking there I asked Cam how he found us. "We looked in the bathroom and saw blood so we expected something bad happened." He said. We finally found Johnnies room but some doctors stopped us. "You guys can't go in there right now." One of them said. "The nurse said that we could!" Jake yelled. "First I need you to clam down." Me and Cam grabbed Jake and went into the room and locked the door. We turned around to see Johnnie wasn't here. "WERE IS HE!" Jake looked around the room. The doctors came in and grabbed me and cams arm.

Jake's POV:

The doctors came in and grabbed both of Evan and Cams arms. "Where is Johnnie!" I yelled. "We told you that you weren't allowed in here!" "But the nurse said we could!" Evan was scared I could hear it in his voice. Then I punched both of the doctors, "JAKE WHAT DID U DO!" Evan yelled. "I don't know I was just freaked out!"

Johnnies POV:

I woke up in this room, there was a bunch of bright lights. I got up saw I was actually alive why didn't that kill me. I wish it did but I guess all things can't come true. I opened the door and walked out in the hallway. Then I heard talking coming my way. My heart was pounding. It was Jake! "JAKE!" I yelled. That's when he disappeared, huh was I going insane Jake was just right there. That's when my legs gave out and I fell to the floor.

Evans POV:

"He has to be around here somewhere." Jake said. Then we saw him lying on the ground. "JOHNNIE!" I yelled. I helped him to his feet. "Um Evan.." Cam mumbled. There was some security guards coming right at us. "It's time to run!" I yelled. "Evan just leave me.." Johnnie muttered. "No! I'm not leaving you!" "EVAN COME ON!" Cam and Jake yelled. That's when I picked up Johnnie and ran. We ran forever it felt like that's when I tripped over something both me and Johnnie went to the ground. "EVAN!" I heard Cam yell from a distance. "Fuck..I think I might of twisted my ankle." I mumbled. I heard the security guards running this way. "Well do you want to give up?" Cam asked. "No!" I yelled. I got up and gave Johnnie to Cam and started running on my hurt foot. We finally made it to the front but then we had multiple security guards waiting for us. Johnnie finally got up "What's going on?" He muttered. Cam put him down, "Well we're about to go to jail." I mumbled. "YOU LITERALLY TOLD US WE COULD SEE ARE FRIEND!" Jake yelled "Yeah!"  Cam yelled. "I did say that." One of the nurses said. "Well just letting you know we were about to put your friend in a mental hospital because he tried to kill himself!" One of the doctors yelled. "No not again!" Johnnie yelled. "I'm not going back!" "This is all a misunderstanding." I said "Really." Jake said. "Fine let them go." The doctor looked mad. Johnnie went to go put his clothes back on. "How about we fix that ankle?" The nurse asked me. "Fine." She had me sit in this room and she put a wrap on my leg and told me not to walk on it that much.

A couple of weeks later

Evans POV:

Life has been pretty good lately after that incident. Johnnie still blamed what happened on him. I told him not to worry about it and it was okay. Well my life hasn't really got better but it has. Me, Jake, Cam and Johnnie were watching a movie until this news report came on. ZOMBIE OUT BREAK PLEASE STAY IN YOUR HOUSES AND STAY SAFE! "I bet that's just a fake thing." Jake said. Then we heard some noise though we went to go look out side and they weren't liying...


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