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I don't know what makes me love you so much,

I wonder what if I'm wrong,

What if I'm not valued enough,

And suddenly, In a Heartbeat,
You'll be gone.


Tanishka didn't sleep for the next 3 nights and days straight. At the early points, she was mad at him.
But as the time progressed, she became upset because he hadn't called or messaged; and due to this, she became angry again.

Tanishka's mother started worrying about her.
"Doesn't Tanishka act a little bizarre nowadays?" She sat beside Mr. Ahuja, and stated her observation.

"She must be feeling alone, or bored. Ask her to join me at office."

"There's no need for this! She'll be 23 now; I think we should be start looking for someone. Isn't this the perfect age for her to get married?"

Mr. Ahuja just shook his head, and ended the discussion.

After a couple of days, Kabir sent a message to Tanishka and asked her for a movie date.

In Tanishka's head, they had broken up. And receiving a message from your ex is the weirdest thing that could happen.

She was confused about this situation, and said no for the movie. However, she wanted to meet him and sort things out.

"Starbucks cafe, Sunday evening at 7. Meet you there." She sent this text to Kabir, and just waited for Sunday.

For the first time, she wasn't excited to meet Kabir. She was nervous. Simply got dressed in some casuals, and left her apartment.

Kabir was waiting downstairs on his bike. She casually walked up to him, and sat behind on the bike. Throughout the drive, she didn't speak a word.

They took their seats at the café, and placed their orders. In the meanwhile, Kabir held Tanishka's hand which made her uncomfortable; as she pulled it out quickly.

"What's the matter Tani?"
She stayed silent, and looked away. She couldn't make direct eye contact. She tried to divert her mind, until Kabir asked again.

"What's wrong?"
"What's wrong? Go ask Sara what's wrong!" She said in a thunderous tone which somewhat grabbed everyone's attention.

"Tanishka, Sara is just my co-worker..."
"That's what co-workers in your office do?" Tanishka interrupted Kabir,
"...And and and, she's married!"
This helped her calm down a bit.

"She's what?"
"Married! Happily."

Tanishka had no words for this; a completely unpredicted situation.
"Then those dates? Outside office?"

"Those were not dates Tanishka! I felt a bit perturbed at the office in beginning, so she took me out; to shift my mind away."
Tanishka had her mouth left open due to such surprises.

"I thought, we're over!" She replied in a soft faint voice.
Kabir smiled tenderly, got up and gave her a hug and replied,
"No Tani! We can't end it just because we had a fight..."
This made Tanishka smile too, and this was the best smile she has ever brought up.

"...I mean; I had an argument with my mother last night. So, I'm not her son anymore?"

She continued her smile and held his hand closely.
"No! It's not that... but, let it go. I'm happy to have you back!" Tanishka replied, holding his hand firmly.

They spent another wonderful evening together. Kabir dropped her home, as usual, and drove back all the way.

'Wish my parents would have shown such calmness and maturity! They would've been together.' He kept thinking while driving back home.


"Awww! That is so sweet!" Divya said in a mesmerized way.

Tanishka had that petite smile on her face, as Divya added,
"I want a guy like Kabir! Find me one please!"

Tanishka chortled after hearing that.
"There's no one like him Divya! And there'll never be."

The excitement on Divya's face was ever increasing. She couldn't wait to know more.
"What happened next?"

"It's 2:30 now. Tomorrow's gonna be a long hard day. We have to leave for Goa! We'll continue there?"
"No! No! No! You won't be getting time once we reach Goa."

"But Divya..." Tanishka couldn't complete her sentence as Divya had interrupted.
"...Stop wasting our time! And continue FAST!"

Tanishka, as always, felt helpless against her younger sister.
"Fine! But only half an hour more. Okay?"
"Okay cool."


Mrs. Ahuja had gotten serious about Tanishka's wedding. She had started looking up for guys, and eliminated them without anyone else's consult.

Tanishka became familiar with Kabir's work hours, and they used to meet accordingly, without making an issue.
Seriously, they both were having the best time of their lives.

One weekend, they went to a fancy restaurant for dinner.
After a while of wide-ranging talks, Tanishka just stops;

"Are you really happy Kabir?"
"Happy at work? Yeah! Happy with you? Yeah!"
This brought out faint chuckles from both sides.

"And what about dance?"
Kabir had no answer for that. 'What about dance?' he asked himself.

"Take out some time for yourself Kabir, and do what you love!"
Kabir nodded and replied,
"Yeah, I should!"

He laid his hand out, only to hold her hand, and kiss it gently.
"And also, your hand is my favorite thing to hold! So, please don't mind if I do it all the time." He said in such a way, that Tanishka couldn't control herself.
She got up from her chair and gave him a hug.
This attracted everyone's attention as they watched this couple with smiles on their faces and joyful expressions.

After having dinner, Tanishka arrived back home a little late. She was worried, that her parents would be angry.

Instead, they were happily sitting in the living room.
"Tanishka! Come here princess!" Mr. Ahuja called her in a sweet voice tone.

Tanishka was surprised to see them not-so-angry. She went and sat on the couch.

"You remember the Grewals?" He asked.
"No! I don't."
"Well of course not, how would you?" Mrs. Ahuja added to it.

"Mom? Dad? What's going on?" Tanishka's curiosity level kept increasing with every passing second.

"Uh, they have a son... Samar... He's about your age!" Mr. Ahuja said, and looked at his wife.

"He's really good looking, and has his own family business!" Mrs. Ahuja continued.
"So... We want you to meet him, like him, and... get married!"

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