Thank You

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Hello to everyone reading this! If you've made it this far, I owe you a massive thank you: for you reads, your comments, your votes and your support. It means a lot that you decided to give Thea's story a go. This book is by no means perfect, but it is the first ONC entry I've seen through to the end (and my first attempt at horror hehe), so I'm quite happy with it.

As said above, this is an entry for the Open Novella Contest 2024, and there are plenty of other amazing entries for you to get your hands on. Some of my favourites can be found in a reading list on my profile, so if you need something shiny and new (and super-cool!) to read, be sure to check out those!

And if you liked this little novella of mine, come follow me at @ixseesxblue to receive updates on my ongoing projects and notifications when I launch new stuff!

Finally, here's a rough and ready sketch I did of Thea, Wilf and Ceri back when I was trying to make this book make sense: 

Finally, here's a rough and ready sketch I did of Thea, Wilf and Ceri back when I was trying to make this book make sense: 

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(please forgive the fact I can't draw cats, lol)

To Kill a Witch (ONC 2024 SHORTLIST)Where stories live. Discover now