XI- Nevermind.

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"Wow guys, it's nice to have y'all here" Phil said pretending to clean the booth's table were his friends were all sat closely in. "I thought this was a band meeting." Al stated looking around, squished between Lou and Slash, "Yeah, that's what we are, bands." the curly haired guitarist spoke with a cocky tone, "That's not what I meant, y'know what, nevermind." "We're here to discuss our situation." Lou explained seriously, "What do you mean?" "Al, our situation with our drummer." "So why are these guys here?" "Practically, we're family." Duff responded spreading his arms around his bandmate's shoulders, "Get your fucking sweaty armpit off of me." Izzy pushed the his tall friend off of him almost putting the cigarette he was holding on the bassist's shoulder.
"They're here cause they know Nate too and we need external opinions." Lou tapped his fingers rhythmically on the table's surface. "Al rolled her eyes and laid back in her seat "Whatever." She was pissed off because she thought these types of problems should stay private, she also was uncomfortable with Steven's behaviour: he kept staring at her quietly.
"Phil what the fuck stop cleaning that ducking table and fo run some drinks!" The barista called the redhead out who responded with an annoyed tone and a lame excuse "It's not my fault this table is sticky! These morons don't know how to use beer mats." "Dude we're not even drinking." "Shut the hell up.".
"So what's up with Nate?" Al asked nonchalantly, ignoring the boys' glares, "I mean... he's kinda being a problem lately, don't get me wrong, we really like him, it's just-" "He's dragging the band down, we want him out." Phil interrupted Lou, tired of waiting around.  "Yeah, i kinda knew that." Al responded indifferently shrugging her shoulders, "So what do you think about it?" "It's gonna be hard replacing him, we won't even play his songs anymore.", Lou exhaled not noticing that his guitarist was trying to convince them to keep Nate in, but without making it too obvious: "You're right Al, but we can't keep giving him chances, what if the babd gets famous? How 'bout that? It's already hard keeping up with him like this, imagine on tour or during big gigs.",
"You're a dreamer Lou, and I respect that, but do you really think we'll make it far from this street? You believe that? Cause I really hope so and I pray every night for it, but I don't think so. So shitty Nate in, shitty Nate out, it won't make a change." The booth remained silent for minutes that felt like hours, with that speech the guys couldn't really figure out what the dirty blonde girl was feeling: Axl sensed anger, Slash frustration, Duff was looking at a couple of girls entering the club, Izzy could have sworn she was in the verge of tears but Steven was too blinded by his own grief, feeling sorry for the incident that took place a couple of days prior.

"Yo, he's here." Duff said looking over at the club's door, "Who's here- Oh fuck me." Phil mumbled under his breath, "Who told him we were here?" Axl sat up looking over at the blue haired man that was making his way over them. Al held her head with her right hand, as the left was still too delicate. "Hey guys." he was left we no answer, "Listen, I know I've been a piece of shit, but please everybody makes mistakes guys, you don't gotta cut me off like that." It was the first time after the incident that Nate and Al saw each others. "You know I got a cut on my hand that impedes me to fuck pick up the TV's remote?" "Yeah, but c'mon, it was an accident, won't happen again." Lou was gonna tell him to back off and let them decide but Al spoke coldly for the band "You're out.". "What?!" "Wait are you serious?!" "Fuck dude, don't fuck with Al!" the other voices became a blur to her ears, she focused her gaze on her supposedly best-friend who was now staring at her with his jaw clanged. "C'mon doll! Don't pull this shit on me!" Al remained silent to the drummer's yelling as the others tried to handle the situation, before kicking him out she thought about what Nate said to her and what he didn't, he didn't apologise, he didn't even care about doing so. Only tried to justify himself. "Alaska I'm your fucking best-friend how could you do this?" she snapped out of her train of thoughts "I don't know but I did it." his face was red from anger, shouting and his breath was quick, "I'm like a brother to you! I'm the one among everybody who knows you the best! You showed me your fucking graduation pictures! I'm the only one who knows where you came from! I'm the only one who knows your goddamn granny's name!-" "Shut up and leave her put of this!" she slammed her glass on the table "You're out, you're out!" "You heard her boy, get going." Phil pointed to the door. The drummer backed off slowly looking at the girl in front of him in the eyes, shaking slowly his head, she got what he was trying to communicate to her as usual. In those wyes she didn't see pity, sorrow nor sadness, she just spotted a lot of delusion. And she was too familiar with that situation.

"Lou, move." she said grabbing her glass from the table, he was just able to bubble out a quick "Sorry, what?" cause she already snapped at him: "Fucking move! I need another drink.", "But aren't ya on antibiotics?" "Yeah.". As Al made her way out the booth Steven sat up and and pushed his way out too, "Al, can I talk to you for a sec?" he asked looking down at his hands while she leaned on the bar counter. "Go on." she didn't move her gaze to look at him "I'm so fucking sorry for what had happen' the other day, I'm really, really sorry, I don't remember much but the guys told me that I was a douche with Nate, I just-" she stopped his mouth from babbling more by hugging him, "Thanks Steven, that was nice for you to say.", he didn't wanna ruin the moment with the wrong words so he chose to pat her back and once that the contact was over he walked back to the rest of them, his muscles more relaxed than before.
"The fuck was that?" Duff asked looking at his drummer, who was now sitting down beside Izzy, "What was what?" he responded with another question, as clueless as a child. "That! With Al!" "Oh. It was nothin', we just sorted things out-"
"About what?" the raven haired guitarist asked putting out his cigarette in the ashtray, "'Bout the other day, why do you guys care so much?" "Yeah, right? Izzy, why do you care so much?" Slash jumped in the conversation before leaving the table to go to the dance floor. At that Izzy just shrugged, lighted another up and chose that he needed to get fucked up that night.

Around 3 a.m. the band was going home, there had been no trace of Al since two hours before but Erin joined instead.
"Dude where the fuck am I going to sleep?" Duff asked holding himself up by grabbing his new conquest's shoulder, almost bringing her down with him, "Me and Erin are staying in my room, I think the pull out is free-" "I call shotgun!" The tall blonde shouted in front of the club, "Baby, we're gonna have a pull out too, but on my bed." Slash whispered to a chick's ear.
"And where the fuck am I supposed to sleep?" Izzy said leaning on the car's hood, "I can drop you off at Mill's." "Man I haven't heard from her in weeks..." "C'mon she always said the door was open for you!" "And the back door too..." Duff snickered, "Cool, you'll stay at Nill's, now let's go, 'm freezing." Erin said opening the car door and getting in, "It's Mill, not Nill.".

"Shit, here we are... this place looks worse every time we pass by..." Slash mumbled looking at the ruined apartment complex beside the road. Izzy got out of the car slamming the door "Wish me luck.", his friends hurried their way home.
Mill's full name was Emille, se was born and raised in LA, she was that type of girl who you wouldn't be in a relationship with because she probably slept with your whole friend group. She was also a druggie, didn't have preferences on the type of drug to use nor the way to take it, she just wanted to get high. She always wore the same type of clothes: raggedy stained shirts and laced tops to parties, both paired with black high waisted jeans of all kind of brands. Her hair was always cottoned and her dark bangs pushed back. Izzy could even hear her chunky necklaces ring as she walked to open the apartment's door, "Holy shit, look who's here." "You got a couch to crush?" "Come on in.".

Note: sorry if I don't update new chapters, I'm kinda not feeling myself lately.

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