I hate the World it has become

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I hate this world the way it has become,
A place of pain and sorrow and of doom.
Where people lie and cheat and steal and kill,
And there is no such thing as love or will.
Where children starve and die in gutters cold,
And mothers weep for their lost little souls.
Where men and women kill each other's kin,
And there is no such thing as peace within.
Where greed and lust and power rule the land,
And there is no such thing as justice grand.
Where truth and beauty are but words of air,
And there is no such thing as hope or care.

I hate this world the way it has become,
A place of pain and sorrow and of doom.
But still I hope that one day it will change,
And that a better world will come to range.
A world where peace and love and truth and grace,
Will rule the land and all will live in peace.
A world where children laugh and play all day,
And mothers sing and dance and never stray.
A world where men and women live in harmony,
And there is no such thing as war or misery.
A world where truth and beauty are alive,
And there is no such thing as hate or strife.

I hope that one day this world will come,
And that I will be there to see it bloom.

Jun'18 written,
Mar'22 reworked
album: "Echoes among Fallen Stars"

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