⸻ 𝖕𝖗𝖔𝖑𝖔𝖌𝖚𝖊: 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐜𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧.

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One thousand years ago, Narnian Year 1005

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One thousand years ago, Narnian Year 1005 . . .


Four words, with so much meaning. Inspiration. Motivation. But alas, if Odelyn had known what was to transpire that day, she would regret her choices for the rest of her life.

Thunder roared in the skies, the flashes of lightning striking the seas, a stormy whirlpool of death being conjured due to the shadows that the crew were battling. Rain poured incessantly, never stopping, pelting the brave warriors of the Captain's crew with harsh, cold drops of water, soaking them to the bone.

“Lyn!” Ellen screamed just as a tentacle-like shadow darted at her sister, and the brunette lunged forward, pushing Odelyn aside. The two sisters tumbled down to the flooring of the Shadow Walker, panting heavily as lightning flashed again.

“Thanks,” the other brunette breathed out, and her sister nodded. They hurriedly stood, but they both cried out as the ship rocked. The crew was slipping on the wet decks, but they still stayed strong. “Ready the harpoons! We fight fire with fire,” Odelyn ordered, and the weapons master rushed out to fetch the things.

The Captain then turned to face the root of their problems. Her brown hair stuck to her clothes and face, drops of water dancing on her lashes. Her green eyes shone with a bottled up fury that was about to be released. She clenched her teeth, fist balled around the hilt of her sword as she pointed it forward. “What do you want?!” she spat, and the tall woman in front of her smirked.

She was tall, not nearly as tall as Jadis (Odelyn shivered at the thought of the Witch), but she was tall. She had dark, black hair that cascaded down around her pale skin. But the scary thing was that the woman's skin was marked with runes, thousands of black runes. And her emerald eyes that glinted evilly.

“Harpoons will never work against my magic,” the Shadow scoffed as she circled the Captain, and the crew shouted for her to back down. The woman ignored them, instead fixing her eyes onto the brunette in front of her. A shiver ran down Odelyn's spine, and she swallowed. “I want my shadow. My Keeper,” the shadow hissed, her marked face twisted in a scowl that made her emerald eyes glow.


The Shadow sensed her thoughts, and she jutted her hand out towards the crew. The brunette cried out, reaching for her crew, her friends; who were steadily rising from the ground, a shadowy circle binding them. “Ellen!” Odelyn shrieked as her sister backed away slowly, clouds of darkness closing in upon her.

“Oh, no, I'm not going to kill her,” the Shadow smirked. “Just your crew. After all, a deal must be sealed.”

“Let them go,” the Captain demanded, her eyes shining with a fire that still burned bright. Yet they pleaded, pleaded for compassion. “I'll do anything.”

“No, Captain!” one member of her crew shook his head. “We're not worth it!”

The Shadow-spirit tutted quietly. “Tsk, tsk. If you want your crew to live, you'll have to make a deal with me.”
The other stared hard at her, prompting her to speak. Her heart was beating wildly, green eyes frantic. “You shall be my Keeper, my ship. You and your sister. You both shall hold the shadow. You shall be the Captains of the Shadow.”

No. Not Ellie, were Odelyn's only thoughts as she breathed hard and fast. Tears swam in her eyes as the spirit raised her eyebrow, almost asking for her to accept. “I- I accept. But . . not my sister. Leave her alone. And I'll be your . . K- Keeper.” She gulped again, her voice cracking as she lowered her sword.

The crew bowed their heads down. They knew this was a sacrifice their captain could not bear. But they couldn't stop her.
“Oh, Lyn,” Ellen murmured softly, shaking her head. She knew how stubborn her sister could get, so didn't bother trying to argue. But her heart ached from inside.

The Shadow smiled triumphantly, but her eyes flashed green as she closed her fist, and the dark circle around one of her crew members tightened and he howled in agony. Odelyn's mouth fell open, and her eyes burned in anger as nearly half of her crew was killed in this way. As the Shadow reached the tenth person left, the Captain could hold it in no longer, and she raised her sword with a loud cry and lunged forward. “You said you wouldn't kill them!” she yelled.

The woman simply stuck out her hand, and the brunette crashed against the ground, being held down by an invisible force. “That sacrifice is because your sister dear is also not taking a part in this deal,” she expounded. “Now, your turn to keep your promise.”

She raised both hands, before pushing them forward, a dark cloud of shadow passing by her, straight at Odelyn. They hit her square in her chest, and her eyes widened as she screamed as pain flared throughout her muscles. The fire that scorched her skin, the darkness creeping through her blood, tainting it forever . . . the pain was too much.

The other Murphy reached out to her sister. “Odelyn!” she cried out, tears running down her cheeks as the Captain dug her fingers into her dark hair, tears coursing down her own cheeks as her face was contorted by the severe pain she was going through. “You monster!” Ellen turned into the Shadow, finally breaking free from the shadowy bonds that captured her. She bent down to reach her sword, but was sent flying back against the wall.

Odelyn's breathing grew ragged as she looked up, green eyes turning into a dark black, her vision fading from them. The Shadow smiled.

“Welcome, Odelyn, Keeper of the Dark. Welcome, Captain of the Shadow.”


Words: 1129 (including author's note)

*Beethoven's Symphony No. 5 beginning*

Tan, tan, tan, tan!!!

Ay, don't blame me for leaving this cliffhanger-y cliffhanger (which I rlly hope is good), I'm just making things ✨ sUsPeNce-Y✨ for y'all. Anyway:

Point no. 1: Yes, Odelyn is cursed. No, I am not going to tell you if she is better or rlly black and shadowy or smth. Yes, she will defeat that shadow soon. No, THIS IS NOT AN ED SHIP! THE TITLE OF THE STORY LITERALLY MENTIONS IT'S A CAPSICUM- I MEAN CASPIAN SHIP!

Point no. 2: I am srsly dumb, so if you don't understand anything, leave a comment and I'll try to explain!

And, uh, a lil catchphrase I sorta picked up from EdsGryff here: I humbly and unashamedly request you to vote and comment, and maybe share this story as well.



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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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